- Additional transaction data displayed when successfull payment
- Transaction data displayed when successfull payment
- Message displayed when transaction declined
- Serbian translation added
- HPP language as per choosen language code
- Gateway callback validation
- Remove order status changes from gateway response handling - handled in callback
- Remove superfluous payment gateway response error output
- Missing cc input overflow obfuscating border
- CCV -> CVV typo
- Postback callback URL card type assignment
- Preauthorize/Capture/Void
- Order ID suffix to prevent TX ID conflicts
- Gateway client PHP 7.3 compatibility: remove redundant filter_var FILTER_VALIDATE_URL flags
- Autoload import path in module controller
- enabling additional language files
- Display title, gateway API username & password
- 3D Secure 2.0 extra data
- Pre-select the only card option if only one present
- Readme.txt with instructions
- Configuration values for card types
- Seamless integration option
- Module & payment extension
- Credit card payment with redirect flow