Version 1.2.5 is a bugfix-only release that addresses five issues:
- Bugfix: Fixed version of PHPUnit at 5.7.* for PHP 7.* and 4.8.* for PHP 5.* in the Travis configuration to fix a bug with incompatibility with PHPUnit 6
- Bugfix: Set the base URL for the Apple News API to https://news-api.apple.com everywhere for better adherence to official guidance in the API docs (props to ffffelix for providing the initial PR)
- Bugfix: Made the administrator email on the settings screen no longer required if debug mode is set to "no"
- Bugfix: Converted the error that occurs when a list of sections cannot be retrieved from the API to a non-fatal to fix a problem where the content of the editor would appear white-on-white
- Bugfix: Resolved an error that occurs on some systems during plugin activation on the Add New screen due to a duplicated root plugin file in the WordPress.org version of the plugin