This repository contains my learning path of Python for Data Science (Part 2).
Here, I haven't included the files of Chapter 1 and 2, since there was no practical implementation works needed and was more of an introduction. However, I am listing out the chapters.
- Defining data science
- Why use Python for data science?
- Where does AI fit in?
- Machine learning 101
- Grouping Machine learing algorithms
- Linear regression
- Multiple linear regression
- Logistic regression : Concepts
- Logistic regression : Data preparation
- Logistic regression : Treat missing values
- Logistic regression : Re-encode variables
- Logistic regression : Validating dataset
- Logistic regression : Model deployment
- Logistic regression : Model evaluation
- Logistic regression : Test prediction
- K-means method
- Hierarchical methods
- DBSCAN for outlier detection
- Explanatory factor analysis
- Principal componenet analysis (PCA)
- Association rules models with Apriori
- Neural networks with a perceptron
- Instance-based learning with KNN
- Decision tree models with CART
- Bayesian models with Naive Bayes
- Ensemble models with random forests