This is a project manager programmed in PHP. I programmed this for the AusbildungsFit Doit in Vienna but I also want to share it with the public to work better on it.
First you need a webserver, which you install with this command:
sudo curl -sSL | sudo bash -x
sudo apt install php8.1 apache2 -y
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
composer self-update
Then install a MySQL database with phpMyAdmin a tutorial you can find here:
When you have set everything, create a database. When you have created the database import the "database.sql" file into the database.
Now open the config.php which is in the "src" folder and change the respective data with the data you selected.
If you want to help with the development then fork the project and change the code as you like (but please follow the rules)
Then you can contact me there:
- E-Mail: [email protected]
- E-Mail: [email protected]