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introduce LFTScheduler and RandomizedLFTScheduler
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Timotshak committed Nov 28, 2023
1 parent 67aaffc commit 10bba54
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Showing 5 changed files with 280 additions and 79 deletions.
219 changes: 207 additions & 12 deletions sampo/scheduler/lft/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,23 +1,218 @@
from typing import Type
import random
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from typing import Type, Iterable

from sampo.scheduler.heft.base import HEFTScheduler
from sampo.scheduler.base import SchedulerType
from sampo.scheduler.resource.base import ResourceOptimizer
from sampo.scheduler.resource.full_scan import FullScanResourceOptimizer
from sampo.scheduler.timeline.just_in_time_timeline import JustInTimeTimeline
from sampo.scheduler.base import Scheduler, SchedulerType
from sampo.scheduler.timeline.momentum_timeline import MomentumTimeline
from sampo.schemas.time_estimator import WorkTimeEstimator, DefaultWorkEstimator
from sampo.scheduler.lft.prioritization import lft_prioritization
from sampo.scheduler.lft.prioritization import lft_prioritization, lft_randomized_prioritization
from sampo.scheduler.lft.time_computaion import work_duration

from sampo.scheduler.timeline.base import Timeline
from sampo.schemas.contractor import Contractor, get_worker_contractor_pool, WorkerContractorPool
from sampo.schemas.graph import WorkGraph, GraphNode
from sampo.schemas.landscape import LandscapeConfiguration
from sampo.schemas.resources import Worker
from sampo.schemas.schedule import Schedule
from sampo.schemas.schedule_spec import ScheduleSpec
from sampo.schemas.scheduled_work import ScheduledWork
from sampo.schemas.time import Time
from sampo.utilities.validation import validate_schedule

from sampo.schemas.exceptions import IncorrectAmountOfWorker, NoSufficientContractorError

class LFTScheduler(HEFTScheduler):

class LFTScheduler(Scheduler):
Scheduler, which assigns contractors evenly, allocates maximum resources
and schedules works in MIN-LFT priority rule order

def __init__(self,
scheduler_type: SchedulerType = SchedulerType.HEFTAddEnd,
resource_optimizer: ResourceOptimizer = FullScanResourceOptimizer(),
timeline_type: Type = JustInTimeTimeline,
timeline_type: Type = MomentumTimeline,
work_estimator: WorkTimeEstimator = DefaultWorkEstimator()):
super().__init__(scheduler_type, resource_optimizer, timeline_type, work_estimator, lft_prioritization)
super().__init__(scheduler_type, None, work_estimator)
self._timeline_type = timeline_type
self.prioritization = lft_prioritization

def schedule_with_cache(self,
wg: WorkGraph,
contractors: list[Contractor],
landscape: LandscapeConfiguration() = LandscapeConfiguration(),
spec: ScheduleSpec = ScheduleSpec(),
validate: bool = False,
assigned_parent_time: Time = Time(0),
timeline: Timeline | None = None) \
-> tuple[Schedule, Time, Timeline, list[GraphNode]]:
worker_pool = get_worker_contractor_pool(contractors)

node_id2workers, node_id2duration = self._contractor_workers_assignment(wg, contractors, worker_pool, spec)

ordered_nodes = self.prioritization(wg, node_id2duration)

if not isinstance(timeline, self._timeline_type):
timeline = self._timeline_type(worker_pool, landscape)

schedule, schedule_start_time, timeline = self.build_scheduler(ordered_nodes, worker_pool, node_id2workers,
landscape, spec, self.work_estimator,
assigned_parent_time, timeline)
schedule = Schedule.from_scheduled_works(

if validate:
validate_schedule(schedule, wg, contractors)

return schedule, schedule_start_time, timeline, ordered_nodes

def _contractor_workers_assignment(self, wg: WorkGraph, contractors: list[Contractor],
worker_pool: WorkerContractorPool, spec: ScheduleSpec = ScheduleSpec()
) -> tuple[dict[str, tuple[Contractor, list[Worker]]], dict[str, int]]:
nodes = [node for node in wg.nodes if not node.is_inseparable_son()]
contractors_assignments_count = np.zeros_like(contractors)
node_id2workers = {}
node_id2duration = {}
for node in nodes:
work_unit = node.work_unit
work_reqs = work_unit.worker_reqs
work_spec = spec.get_work_spec(
work_spec_amounts = np.array([work_spec.assigned_workers.get(req.kind, -1) for req in work_reqs])
workers_mask = work_spec_amounts != -1

min_req_amounts = np.array([req.min_count for req in work_reqs])
if (work_spec_amounts[workers_mask] < min_req_amounts[workers_mask]).any():
raise IncorrectAmountOfWorker(f"ScheduleSpec assigns not enough workers for work {}")

max_req_amounts = np.array([req.max_count for req in work_reqs])
if (work_spec_amounts[workers_mask] > max_req_amounts[workers_mask]).any():
raise IncorrectAmountOfWorker(f"ScheduleSpec assigns too many workers for work {}")

contractors_amounts = np.array([[worker_pool[req.kind][].count
if in worker_pool[req.kind] else -1
for req in work_reqs]
for contractor in contractors])

contractors_mask = ((contractors_amounts >= min_req_amounts) & (contractors_amounts != -1)).all(axis=1)
contractors_mask &= (contractors_amounts[:, workers_mask] >= work_spec_amounts[workers_mask]).all(axis=1)
if not any(contractors_mask):
raise NoSufficientContractorError(f'There is no contractor that can satisfy given search; contractors: '

accepted_contractors = [contractor for contractor, is_accepted in zip(contractors, contractors_mask)
if is_accepted]
if workers_mask.all():
assigned_amounts = np.broadcast_to(work_spec_amounts, (len(accepted_contractors),
max_amounts = contractors_amounts[contractors_mask]
max_amounts = np.stack(np.broadcast_arrays(max_amounts, max_req_amounts), axis=0).min(axis=0)
assigned_amounts = max_amounts
assigned_amounts[:, workers_mask] = work_spec_amounts[workers_mask]

durations_for_chain = [work_duration(node, amounts, self.work_estimator) for amounts in assigned_amounts]
durations = np.array([sum(chain_durations) for chain_durations in durations_for_chain])

if durations.size == 1:
contractor_index = 0
min_duration = durations.min()
max_duration = durations.max()
scores = (durations - min_duration) / (max_duration - min_duration)
scores = scores + contractors_assignments_count / contractors_assignments_count.sum()
contractor_index = self._get_contractor_index(scores)

assigned_amount = assigned_amounts[contractor_index]
assigned_contractor = accepted_contractors[contractor_index]
contractors_assignments_count[contractor_index] += 1

workers = [worker_pool[req.kind][].copy().with_count(amount)
for req, amount in zip(work_reqs, assigned_amount)]
node_id2workers[] = (assigned_contractor, workers)
for duration, dep_node in zip(durations_for_chain[contractor_index], node.get_inseparable_chain_with_self()):
node_id2duration[] = duration

return node_id2workers, node_id2duration

def _get_contractor_index(self, scores: np.ndarray) -> int:
return np.argmin(scores)

def build_scheduler(self,
ordered_nodes: list[GraphNode],
worker_pool: WorkerContractorPool,
node_id2workers: dict[str, tuple[Contractor, list[Worker]]],
landscape: LandscapeConfiguration = LandscapeConfiguration(),
spec: ScheduleSpec = ScheduleSpec(),
work_estimator: WorkTimeEstimator = DefaultWorkEstimator(),
assigned_parent_time: Time = Time(0),
timeline: Timeline | None = None) \
-> tuple[Iterable[ScheduledWork], Time, Timeline]:
Schedule works with assigned order, contractors and workers
:param landscape: landscape
:param worker_pool: mapper of workers and amount at the contractor
:param node_id2workers: mapper of node and assigned contractor, workers
:param spec: spec for current scheduling
:param ordered_nodes: sequence of nodes in scheduling order
:param timeline: the previous used timeline can be specified to handle previously scheduled works
:param assigned_parent_time: start time of the whole schedule(time shift)
:param work_estimator: estimate time of work with assigned workers
# dict for writing parameters of completed_jobs
node2swork: dict[GraphNode, ScheduledWork] = {}
# list for support the queue of workers
if not isinstance(timeline, self._timeline_type):
timeline = self._timeline_type(worker_pool, landscape)

for index, node in enumerate(reversed(ordered_nodes)): # the tasks with the highest rank will be done first
contractor, workers = node_id2workers[]
work_spec = spec.get_work_spec(

start_time, finish_time, _ = timeline.find_min_start_time_with_additional(node, workers, node2swork,
None, assigned_parent_time,

# we are scheduling the work `start of the project`
if index == 0:
# this work should always have start_time = 0, so we just re-assign it
start_time = assigned_parent_time
finish_time += start_time

if index == len(ordered_nodes) - 1: # we are scheduling the work `end of the project`
finish_time, finalizing_zones = timeline.zone_timeline.finish_statuses()
start_time = max(start_time, finish_time)

# apply work to scheduling
timeline.schedule(node, node2swork, workers, contractor, work_spec,
start_time, work_spec.assigned_time, assigned_parent_time, work_estimator)

if index == len(ordered_nodes) - 1: # we are scheduling the work `end of the project`
node2swork[node].zones_pre = finalizing_zones

return node2swork.values(), assigned_parent_time, timeline

class RandomizedLFTScheduler(LFTScheduler):
Scheduler, which assigns contractors evenly with stochasticity, allocates maximum resources
and schedules works in order sampled by MIN-LFT and MIN-LST priority rules

def __init__(self,
scheduler_type: SchedulerType = SchedulerType.HEFTAddEnd,
timeline_type: Type = MomentumTimeline,
work_estimator: WorkTimeEstimator = DefaultWorkEstimator(),
rand: random.Random = random.Random()):
super().__init__(scheduler_type, timeline_type, work_estimator)
self._random = rand
self.prioritization = partial(lft_randomized_prioritization, rand=self._random)

def _get_contractor_index(self, scores: np.ndarray) -> int:
indexes = np.arange(len(scores))
scores = 2 - scores
return self._random.choices(indexes, weights=scores)[0]
114 changes: 57 additions & 57 deletions sampo/scheduler/lft/
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@@ -1,40 +1,51 @@
from sampo.scheduler.lft.time_computaion import work_min_max_duration
from sampo.schemas.graph import GraphNode, WorkGraph
from sampo.schemas.time_estimator import WorkTimeEstimator
from operator import itemgetter
import numpy as np
import random

def lft_prioritization(wg: WorkGraph, work_estimator: WorkTimeEstimator) -> list[GraphNode]:
Return ordered nodes by MIN-LFT.
def map_lft_lst(wg: WorkGraph, node_id2duration: dict[str, int]) -> tuple[dict[str, int], dict[str, int]]:
project_max_duration = sum(node_id2duration.values())
nodes2lft = { project_max_duration}
nodes2lst = { project_max_duration - node_id2duration[]}

# def is_eligible(node_id):
# return all([pred_id in selected_ids for pred_id in parents[node_id]])

# inverse weights
nodes2min_max_duration = { work_min_max_duration(node, work_estimator)
for node in wg.nodes}
min_project_max_duration = sum([durations[0] for durations in nodes2min_max_duration.values()])
max_project_max_duration = sum([durations[1] for durations in nodes2min_max_duration.values()])
nodes2lft = { (min_project_max_duration, max_project_max_duration)}
nodes2lst = { (nodes2lft[][0] - nodes2min_max_duration[][0],
nodes2lft[][1] - nodes2min_max_duration[][1])}
for node in reversed(wg.nodes[:-1]):
suc_lst = [nodes2lst[] for suc in node.children]
nodes2lft[] = (min(suc_lst, key=itemgetter(0))[0], min(suc_lst, key=itemgetter(1))[1])
nodes2lst[] = (nodes2lft[][0] - nodes2min_max_duration[][0],
nodes2lft[][1] - nodes2min_max_duration[][1])
suc_lst = [nodes2lst[] for child in node.children]
nodes2lft[] = min(suc_lst)
nodes2lst[] = nodes2lft[] - node_id2duration[]

nodes = [node for node in wg.nodes if not node.is_inseparable_son()]

nodes2lft = { sum(nodes2lft[node.get_inseparable_chain_with_self()[-1].id]) / 2
for node in nodes}
# nodes2lst = { sum(nodes2lst[node.get_inseparable_chain_with_self()[0].id]) / 2
# for node in nodes}
nodes2lft = { nodes2lft[node.get_inseparable_chain_with_self()[-1].id] for node in nodes}
nodes2lst = { nodes2lst[node.get_inseparable_chain_with_self()[0].id] for node in nodes}

return nodes2lft, nodes2lst

def lft_prioritization(wg: WorkGraph, node_id2duration: dict[str, int]) -> list[GraphNode]:
Return nodes ordered by MIN-LFT priority rule.
nodes2lft, _ = map_lft_lst(wg, node_id2duration)

ordered_nodes = sorted(nodes2lft.keys(), key=lambda node_id: nodes2lft[node_id], reverse=True)

ordered_nodes = [wg[node_id] for node_id in ordered_nodes]

return ordered_nodes

ordered_nodes = sorted(nodes2lft.keys(), key=lambda id: nodes2lft[id], reverse=True)

def lft_randomized_prioritization(wg: WorkGraph, node_id2duration: dict[str, int],
rand: random.Random = random.Random()) -> list[GraphNode]:
Return ordered nodes sampled by MIN-LFT and MIN-LST priority rules.

def is_eligible(node_id):
return all([pred_id in selected_ids for pred_id in parents[node_id]])

nodes2lft, nodes2lst = map_lft_lst(wg, node_id2duration)

nodes = [wg[node_id] for node_id in nodes2lft.keys()]

inseparable_parents = {}
for node in nodes:
Expand All @@ -52,35 +63,24 @@ def lft_prioritization(wg: WorkGraph, work_estimator: WorkTimeEstimator) -> list
for child in node_children:

used = set()
for work_index in reversed(ordered_nodes):
assert parents[work_index].issubset(used)
# selected_ids = []
# candidates = {}
# while candidates:
# eligibles = [node_id for node_id in candidates if is_eligible(node_id)]
# priority_mapper = nodes2lft if random.random() < 0.5 else nodes2lst
# priorities = [priority_mapper[node_id] for node_id in eligibles]
# max_priority = max(priorities)
# deviations = [max_priority - priority + 1 for priority in priorities]
# total = sum(deviations)
# weights = [dev / total for dev in deviations]
# selected_id = random.choices(eligibles, weights=weights)[0]
# selected_ids.append(selected_id)
# candidates.remove(selected_id)
# candidates.update([suc_id for suc_id in children[selected_id]])
# ordered_nodes = list(reversed([wg.dict_nodes[node_id] for node_id in selected_ids]))

# ordered_nodes = list(reversed(nodes))

ordered_nodes = [wg.dict_nodes[id] for id in ordered_nodes]
selected_ids = []
candidates = {}

while candidates:
eligibles = [node_id for node_id in candidates if is_eligible(node_id)]

priority_mapper = nodes2lft if rand.random() < 0.5 else nodes2lst

weights = np.array([priority_mapper[node_id] for node_id in eligibles])
weights = weights.max() - weights + 1
weights = weights / weights.sum()

selected_id = rand.choices(eligibles, weights=weights)[0]

candidates.update([child_id for child_id in children[selected_id]])

ordered_nodes = list(reversed([wg[node_id] for node_id in selected_ids]))

return ordered_nodes
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions sampo/scheduler/lft/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
from uuid import uuid4

import numpy as np

from sampo.schemas.graph import GraphNode
from sampo.schemas.resources import Worker
from sampo.schemas.time_estimator import WorkTimeEstimator


def work_min_max_duration(node: GraphNode, work_estimator: WorkTimeEstimator) -> tuple[int, int]:
def work_duration(node: GraphNode, assigned_workers_amounts: np.ndarray, work_estimator: WorkTimeEstimator) -> list[int]:
work_unit = node.work_unit

passed_workers_min = [Worker(str(uuid4()), req.kind, req.min_count)
for req in work_unit.worker_reqs]

passed_workers_max = [Worker(str(uuid4()), req.kind, req.max_count)
for req in work_unit.worker_reqs]
passed_workers = [Worker(str(uuid4()), req.kind, assigned_amount)
for req, assigned_amount in zip(work_unit.worker_reqs, assigned_workers_amounts)]

min_duration = work_estimator.estimate_time(node.work_unit, passed_workers_max)
max_duration = work_estimator.estimate_time(node.work_unit, passed_workers_min)
duration = [work_estimator.estimate_time(dep_node.work_unit, passed_workers).value + PRIORITY_DELTA
for dep_node in node.get_inseparable_chain_with_self()]

return min_duration + PRIORITY_DELTA, max_duration + PRIORITY_DELTA
return duration

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