Adds Factorio-style overlays to Journeymap, using Navigator's API.
- Add two modes to future pollution cache: a universal one, gated by a satellite, and one updated by hand/machine available pre-Ev
- Run a profiler to make sure that this isn't a resource hog
- GT5u from GTNH, for the pollution. This is actually an optional dependency now, feel free to PR additional backends
- Journeymap for the map.
- Navigator for the map-editing API.
- GTNHLib for the config system and bundled fastutil.
- Unimixins for... mixins.
Because doesn't wrap lines
- The GTNH team and many others, for the boilerplate code and a working toolchain.
GregtorioOverlays is copyrighted by ah-OOG-ah, 2024, and distributed under the LGPLv3 or any later version. License headers must be applied to new files and updated to existing ones as per the template. The LGPLv3 by itself is in LICENSE, but the GPLv3 and LGPLv3 are also in COPYING and COPYING.LESSER as per FSF convention.
Some third-party code was used in this project. See 3RD-PARTY-LICENSES for details.
All four of these files should be kept in sync with the ones in src/main/resources. I would just symlink them, but that may cause issues for people checking out the repository on different platforms.