is a compiler driver utility that will call clang or nvcc, depending on target, and pass the appropriate include and library options for the target compiler and HIP infrastructure. Historically, hipcc
was provided as a script in the HIP repo ( https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP/blob/main/bin/hipcc ). The hipcc
provided in this project provides the same functionality, but is a binary rather than a script. At some point in the future, the hipcc script will be deprecated and ultimately removed from the HIP repo.
will pass-through options to the target compiler. The tools calling hipcc must ensure the compiler options are appropriate for the target compiler.
The environment variable HIP_PLATFORM may be used to specify amd/nvidia:
- HIP_PLATFORM='amd' or HIP_PLATFORM='nvidia'.
- If HIP_PLATFORM is not set, then hipcc will attempt to auto-detect based on if nvcc is found.
Other environment variable controls:
- HIP_PATH : Path to HIP directory, default is one dir level above location of hipcc.
- CUDA_PATH : Path to CUDA SDK (default /usr/local/cuda). Used on NVIDIA platforms only.
- HSA_PATH : Path to HSA dir (defaults to ../../hsa relative to abs_path of hipcc). Used on AMD platforms only.
- HIP_ROCCLR_HOME : Path to HIP/ROCclr directory. Used on AMD platforms only.
- HIP_CLANG_PATH : Path to HIP-Clang (default to ../../llvm/bin relative to hipcc's abs_path). Used on AMD platforms only.