Unofficial PayU Money Flutter Plugin supports Android & iOS.
Flutter Payu Unofficial uses Mobile SDK provided by PayU Money Dev Team
Add dependency in pubspec.yaml
flutter_payu_unofficial: 1.0.3
Feature | |
Plug n Play | Simple to install, ready to use UI |
Auto Read OTP | Auto read OTP on supported platform |
PayU Money Mobile SDK | Based on PayU Money Mobile SDK for iOS and Android |
Null Safety | ✅ |
Put this line in AndroidManifest.xml's manifest tag
<manifest xmlns:android=""
xmlns:tools="" <--------- Paste here
And put this line in application tag after android:label
tools:replace="android:label" <--------- Paste here >
// Prepare Payament Parameters.
PaymentParams _paymentParam = PaymentParams(
merchantID: "Merchant ID",
merchantKey: "Merchant Key",
salt: "Salt",
amount: "100",
transactionID: "TXNID1234567890",
firstName: "FirstName",
email: "[email protected]",
productName: "Test Product",
phone: "9876543210",
fURL: "",
sURL: "",
udf1: "udf1",
udf2: "udf2",
udf3: "udf3",
udf4: "udf4",
udf5: "udf5",
udf6: "",
udf7: "",
udf8: "",
udf9: "",
udf10: "",
hash: "",
isDebug: true,); // true for Test Mode, false for Production
//also disables logs in production
//default is false
// returns PayuPaymentResult object
PayuPaymentResult _paymentResult = await FlutterPayUMoney.initiatePayment(
paymentParams: _paymentParam,
showCompletionScreen: false);
//false will not show in built success/failure screens
//default is true
// PayuPaymentResult.status is String and PayuPaymentStatus class have some generic statuses to compare cleanly.
// Actual response is in PayuPaymentResult.response.
// Response is Map<dynamic,dynamic> and direct from SDK nothing changed.
if (_paymentResult.status == PayuPaymentStatus.success) {
print("Success: ${_paymentResult.response}");
} else if (_paymentResult.status == PayuPaymentStatus.failed) {
print("Failed: ${_paymentResult.response}");
} else if (_paymentResult.status == PayuPaymentStatus.cancelled) {
print("Cancelled by User: ${_paymentResult.response}");
} else {
print("Response: ${_paymentResult.response}");
print("Status: ${_paymentResult.status}");