Official Implementation of RTSS 2023 paper R^3: On-device Real-Time Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robotics.
R^3 is a comprehensive solution designed to optimize on-device real-time DRL training by managing the intricate balance between timing and algorithm performance, specifically in memory-constrained environments. The approach involves co-optimizing two pivotal parameters of DRL training:
Evaluation: we implement R^3 based on Autonomous Learning Library(ALL) library which involves multiple well-known deep reinforcement learning algorithms and well-built benchmark.
Practical case study: We adopt gym-donkeycar simulator to conduct deep reinforcement learning via gym APIs on DonkeyCar simulator.
- Install the dependencies.
On x86 PC
Install Donkey simulator v22.11.06 from Official version of Donkey Car.
gym-donkeycar recommend version: cd0cad6
Installation on PC
conda create -n rapidlearn python=3.8.10 # create a new conda environment named rapidlearn with python 3.8.10 (as on AGX)
conda activate rapidlearn
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia # install pytorch 1.13.1 stable version
# cd gym-donkeycar-mushr
# python install # install the customized gym wrapper
cd gym-donkeycar
python install
cd ../MUSHR-DL
pip install -r requirements.txt # install the other dependencies
Installation on NVIDIA Jetson AGX
Software version: Jetpack 5.0.2
Hardware: NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin & NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier
Software: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS; Python 3.8.10; PyTorch 1.13.0; Tensorflow 1.15.5+nv22.12; gym 0.15.3; gym-donkeycar 1.3.0
conda create -n rapidlearn python=3.8.10 # create a new conda environment named rapidlearn with python 3.8.10 (as on AGX)
conda activate rapidlearn
# Down load PyTorch wheel from
pip install torch-1.13.0a0+410ce96a.nv22.12-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl
# cd gym-donkeycar-mushr
# python install # install the customized gym wrapper
cd gym-donkeycar
python install
cd ../MUSHR-DL
pip install -r requirements.txt # install the other dependencies
- Run the simulator on the x86 machine: Example (on Ubuntu 20.04)
cd <path to DonkeySimLinux directory>
- Run the code to locally/remote control an autonomous driving car with a pre-trained steering model.
python3 --dataset_name=testing --model=steering --test=True
python3 --dataset_name=testing --model=steering_dave2 --test=True --model_path=$MODEL_PATH
- Installing Autonomous Learning Library
We need a specific version of
to play the OpenAI Gym Atari games.
git clone
cd Arcade-Learning-Environment
git checkout 069f8bd860b9da816cea58c5ade791025a51c105
# In turn the flags DSDL_SUPPORT and DSDL_DYNLOAD off
Install swig
conda install swig # In the RapidLearn conda environment
Now we can install the Autonomous Learning Library
git clone
cd autonomous-learning-library
pip install -e .[dev]
Please cite our paper if you are inspired by R^3 in your work:
title={$$\backslash$mathrm $\{$R$\}$\^{}$\{$3$\}$ $: On-Device Real-Time Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robotics},
author={Li, Zexin and Samanta, Aritra and Li, Yufei and Soltoggio, Andrea and Kim, Hyoseung and Liu, Cong},
booktitle={2023 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)},
Train Donkey Car in Unity Simulator with Reinforcement Learning
Official version of Donkey Car
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Replicable-MARL This is a new Multi-agent DRL benchmark which is supported by Ray and RLib!