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This API provides simple restful API access to Amazon's S3 service.


GET /v1/s3/ping
GET /v1/s3/version
GET /v1/s3/metrics

# Managing buckets
POST /v1/s3/{account}/buckets
GET /v1/s3/{account}/buckets
HEAD /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}
GET /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}
PUT /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}
DELETE /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}
GET /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/duck

# Managing bucket users
POST /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/users
GET /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/users
GET /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/users/{user}
PUT /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/users/{user}
DELETE /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/users/{user}

# Managing websites
POST /v1/s3/{account}/websites
HEAD /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}
GET /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}
PUT /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}
PATCH /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}
DELETE /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}
GET /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/duck

# Managing website users
POST /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/users
GET /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/users
GET /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/users/{user}
PUT /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/users/{user}
DELETE /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/users/{user}


Authentication is accomplished via a pre-shared key. This is done via the X-Auth-Token header.

Access to buckets

When creating a bucket, by default, an IAM policy (of the same name) is created with full access to that bucket...

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": [

and a group is created with that policy attached. To allow access to a bucket, create a bucket user by POSTing to the /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/users endpoint.


Get a list of buckets

GET /v1/s3/{account}/buckets

Response Code Definition
200 OK return the list of buckets
400 Bad Request badly formed request
404 Not Found account not found
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Create a bucket

POST `/v1/s3/{account}/buckets


  "Tags": [
      "Key": "Application",
      "Value": "HowToGet"
      "Key": "COA",
      "Value": "Take.My.Money.$$$$"
      "Key": "CreatedBy",
      "Value": "Big Bird"
  "Lifecycle": "deep-archive",
  "BucketInput": {
    "Bucket": "foobarbucketname"


    "Bucket": "/foobarbucketname",
    "Policy": {
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:policy/foobarbucketname-BktAdmPlc",
        "AttachmentCount": 0,
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T15:33:52Z",
        "DefaultVersionId": "v1",
        "Description": null,
        "IsAttachable": true,
        "Path": "/",
        "PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount": 0,
        "PolicyId": "ABCDEFGHI12345678",
        "PolicyName": "foobarbucketname-BktAdmPlc",
        "UpdateDate": "2019-03-01T15:33:52Z"
    "Group": {
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:group/foobarbucketname-BktAdmGrp",
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T15:33:52Z",
        "GroupId": "GROUPID123",
        "GroupName": "foobarbucketname-BktAdmGrp",
        "Path": "/"
Response Code Definition
202 Accepted creation request accepted
400 Bad Request badly formed request
403 Forbidden you don't have access to bucket
404 Not Found account not found
409 Conflict bucket or iam policy already exists
429 Too Many Requests service or rate limit exceeded
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred
503 Service Unavailable an AWS service is unavailable

Update a bucket

Updating a bucket currently only supports updating the bucket's tags

PUT /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/foobarbucketname


    "Tags": [
        { "Key": "Application", "Value": "HowToGet" },
        { "Key": "COA", "Value": "Take.My.Money.$$$$" },
        { "Key": "CreatedBy", "Value": "Big Bird" }
Response Code Definition
200 OK deleted bucket
400 Bad Request badly formed request
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Check if a bucket exists

HEAD /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/foobarbucketname

Response Code Definition
200 OK bucket exists
403 Forbidden you don't have access to bucket
404 Not Found account or bucket not found
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Get information for a bucket

GET /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/foobarbucketname


    "Tags": [
        { "Key": "Application", "Value": "HowToGet" },
        { "Key": "COA", "Value": "Take.My.Money.$$$$" },
        { "Key": "CreatedBy", "Value": "Big Bird" }
    "Logging": {
        "TargetBucket": "foobar-buckets-access-logs",
        "TargetGrants": null,
        "TargetPrefix": "s3/foobarbucketname/"
    "Empty": true
Response Code Definition
200 OK okay
404 Not Found bucket was not found
400 Bad Request badly formed request
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Delete a bucket

DELETE `/v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}

Response Code Definition
200 OK deleted bucket
400 Bad Request badly formed request
403 Forbidden you don't have access to bucket
404 Not Found account or bucket not found
409 Conflict bucket is not empty
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Create a bucket user

POST `/v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/users


    "User": { "UserName": "somebucketuser" },


    "User": {
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:user/somebucketuser",
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T16:11:00Z",
        "PasswordLastUsed": null,
        "Path": "/",
        "PermissionsBoundary": null,
        "Tags": null,
        "UserName": "somebucketuser"
    "AccessKey": {
        "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ12345678",
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T16:11:00Z",
        "SecretAccessKey": "sssshimsupersekretdonttellanyoneyousawme",
        "Status": "Active",
        "UserName": "somebucketuser"
Response Code Definition
200 OK user created
400 Bad Request badly formed request
403 Forbidden you don't have access to bucket
404 Not Found account or user not found when creating key
409 Conflict user already exists
429 Too Many Requests service or rate limit exceeded
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Get a bucket user's details

GET /v1/s3/{account}/bucket/users/{user}


    "User": {
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:user/somebucketuser",
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-19T18:31:14Z",
        "PasswordLastUsed": null,
        "Path": "/",
        "PermissionsBoundary": null,
        "Tags": null,
        "UserName": "somebucketuser"
    "AccessKeys": [
            "AccessKeyId": "AKIAJTGA5ITTTJ7WOR7A",
            "CreateDate": "2019-03-19T18:31:14Z",
            "Status": "Active",
            "UserName": "somebucketuser"
    "Groups": [
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:group/somebucketuser",
            "CreateDate": "2019-03-19T14:20:01Z",
            "GroupId": "AGPAJ6SYNPMFP6O5KXQJW",
            "GroupName": "somebucketuser-BktAdmGrp",
            "Path": "/"
    "Policies": [
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:policy/somebucketuser-BktAdmPlc",
            "PolicyName": "somebucketuser-BktAdmPlc"

Reset access keys for a bucket user

PUT /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/users/{user}


    "DeletedKeyIds": [
    "AccessKey": {
        "AccessKeyId": "LMNOPQRSTUVW123456789",
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T16:14:07Z",
        "SecretAccessKey": "sssshimsupersekretdonttellanyoneyousawme",
        "Status": "Active",
        "UserName": "someuser-admin1"
Response Code Definition
200 OK keys reset successfully
400 Bad Request badly formed request
403 Forbidden you don't have access to delete the user
404 Not Found account or user not found
429 Too Many Requests service or rate limit exceeded
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

List users for a bucket

GET `/v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/users/{user}


        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:user/someuser-admin1",
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T16:11:00Z",
        "PasswordLastUsed": null,
        "Path": "/",
        "PermissionsBoundary": null,
        "Tags": null,
        "UserId": "ABCDEFGHI12345678",
        "UserName": "someuser-admin1"
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:user/someuser-admin2",
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T16:11:00Z",
        "PasswordLastUsed": null,
        "Path": "/",
        "PermissionsBoundary": null,
        "Tags": null,
        "UserId": "ZYXWUTS87654321",
        "UserName": "someuser-admin2"

Delete a bucket user

DELETE `/v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/users/{user}

Response Code Definition
200 OK deleted user
400 Bad Request badly formed request
403 Forbidden you don't have access to delete the user
404 Not Found account or user not found
429 Too Many Requests service or rate limit exceeded
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Create a website

POST /v1/s3/{account}/websites


    "Tags": [
        { "Key": "Application", "Value": "HowToGet" },
        { "Key": "COA" "Value", "Value": "Take.My.Money.$$$$" },
        { "Key": "CreatedBy", "Value": "Big Bird" }
    "BucketInput": {
        "Bucket": ""
    "WebsiteConfiguration": {
        "IndexDocument": { "Suffix": "index.html" }


    "Bucket": "/",
    "Policy": {
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:policy/",
        "AttachmentCount": 0,
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T15:33:52Z",
        "DefaultVersionId": "v1",
        "Description": null,
        "IsAttachable": true,
        "Path": "/",
        "PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount": 0,
        "PolicyId": "ABCDEFGHI12345678",
        "PolicyName": "",
        "UpdateDate": "2019-03-01T15:33:52Z"
    "Group": {
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:group/",
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T15:33:52Z",
        "GroupId": "GROUPID123",
        "GroupName": "",
        "Path": "/"
    "Distribution": {
        "ARN": "arn:aws:cloudfront::12345678910:distribution/ABCDEFGHIJKL",
        "DistributionConfig": {
            "Aliases": {
                "Items": [
                "Quantity": 1
            "CallerReference": "12345678-9012-3456-6789-094d26464c6c",
            "Comment": "",
            "DefaultCacheBehavior": {
                "TargetOriginId": "",
                "TrustedSigners": {
                    "Enabled": false,
                    "Items": null,
                    "Quantity": 0
                "ViewerProtocolPolicy": "redirect-to-https"
            "DefaultRootObject": "index.html",
            "Enabled": true,
            "HttpVersion": "http2",
            "IsIPV6Enabled": true,
            "Logging": {
                "Bucket": "",
                "Enabled": false,
                "IncludeCookies": false,
                "Prefix": ""
            "Origins": {
                "Items": [
                        "CustomOriginConfig": {
                            "HTTPPort": 80,
                            "HTTPSPort": 443,
                            "OriginKeepaliveTimeout": 5,
                            "OriginProtocolPolicy": "http-only",
                            "OriginReadTimeout": 30,
                            "OriginSslProtocols": {
                                "Items": [
                                "Quantity": 3
                        "DomainName": "",
                        "Id": "",
                        "OriginPath": "",
                        "S3OriginConfig": null
                "Quantity": 1
            "PriceClass": "PriceClass_100",
            "Restrictions": {
                "GeoRestriction": {
                    "Items": [
                    "Quantity": 1,
                    "RestrictionType": "whitelist"
            "ViewerCertificate": {
                "ACMCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:12345678910:certificate/111111111-2222-3333-4444-55555555555",
                "Certificate": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:12345678910:certificate/111111111-2222-3333-4444-55555555555",
                "CertificateSource": "acm",
                "CloudFrontDefaultCertificate": null,
                "IAMCertificateId": null,
                "MinimumProtocolVersion": "TLSv1.1_2016",
                "SSLSupportMethod": "sni-only"
        "DomainName": "",
        "InProgressInvalidationBatches": 0,
        "LastModifiedTime": "2019-05-09T10:50:35.79Z",
        "Status": "InProgress"
    "DnsChange": {
        "Comment": "Created by s3-api",
        "Id": "/change/C176E51B123456",
        "Status": "PENDING",
        "SubmittedAt": "2019-05-09T10:50:37.194Z"
Response Code Definition
202 Accepted creation request accepted
400 Bad Request badly formed request
403 Forbidden you don't have access to bucket
404 Not Found account not found
409 Conflict bucket or iam policy already exists
429 Too Many Requests service or rate limit exceeded
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred
503 Service Unavailable an AWS service is unavailable

Generate a Cyberduck bookmark for a bucket

You can generate a cyberduck bookmark file based on your bucket name. The file should be saved with the .duck extension. This file does not contain secrets and is safe for distribution. When imported into cyberduck, you will be prompted for the access keys.

GET /v1/s3/{account}/buckets/{bucket}/duck

Check if a website exists

HEAD /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}

See Check if a bucket exists

Get information for a website

GET /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}


    "Tags": [
        { "Key": "Application", "Value": "HowToGet" },
        { "Key": "COA", "Value": "Take.My.Money.$$$$" },
        { "Key": "CreatedBy", "Value": "Big Bird" }
    "Logging": {
        "TargetBucket": "foobar-sites-access-logs",
        "TargetGrants": null,
        "TargetPrefix": "s3/"
    "Empty": true,
    "DNSRecord": {
        "AliasTarget": {
            "DNSName": "",
            "EvaluateTargetHealth": false,
            "HostedZoneId": "ABCDEFGHIJ12345"
        "Failover": null,
        "GeoLocation": null,
        "HealthCheckId": null,
        "MultiValueAnswer": null,
        "Name": "",
        "Region": null,
        "ResourceRecords": null,
        "SetIdentifier": null,
        "TTL": null,
        "TrafficPolicyInstanceId": null,
        "Type": "A",
        "Weight": null
    "Distribution": {
        "ARN": "arn:aws:cloudfront::12345678910:distribution/ABCDEFGHIJKL",
        "DistributionConfig": {
            "Aliases": {
                "Items": [
                "Quantity": 1
            "CallerReference": "12345678-9012-3456-6789-094d26464c6c",
            "Comment": "",
            "DefaultCacheBehavior": {
                "TargetOriginId": "",
                "TrustedSigners": {
                    "Enabled": false,
                    "Items": null,
                    "Quantity": 0
                "ViewerProtocolPolicy": "redirect-to-https"
            "DefaultRootObject": "index.html",
            "Enabled": true,
            "HttpVersion": "http2",
            "IsIPV6Enabled": true,
            "Logging": {
                "Bucket": "",
                "Enabled": false,
                "IncludeCookies": false,
                "Prefix": ""
            "Origins": {
                "Items": [
                        "CustomOriginConfig": {
                            "HTTPPort": 80,
                            "HTTPSPort": 443,
                            "OriginKeepaliveTimeout": 5,
                            "OriginProtocolPolicy": "http-only",
                            "OriginReadTimeout": 30,
                            "OriginSslProtocols": {
                                "Items": [
                                "Quantity": 3
                        "DomainName": "",
                        "Id": "",
                        "OriginPath": "",
                        "S3OriginConfig": null
                "Quantity": 1
            "PriceClass": "PriceClass_100",
            "Restrictions": {
                "GeoRestriction": {
                    "Items": [
                    "Quantity": 1,
                    "RestrictionType": "whitelist"
            "ViewerCertificate": {
                "ACMCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:12345678910:certificate/111111111-2222-3333-4444-55555555555",
                "Certificate": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:12345678910:certificate/111111111-2222-3333-4444-55555555555",
                "CertificateSource": "acm",
                "CloudFrontDefaultCertificate": null,
                "IAMCertificateId": null,
                "MinimumProtocolVersion": "TLSv1.1_2016",
                "SSLSupportMethod": "sni-only"
        "DomainName": "",
        "InProgressInvalidationBatches": 0,
        "LastModifiedTime": "2019-05-09T10:50:35.79Z",
        "Status": "InProgress"
Response Code Definition
200 OK okay
400 Bad Request badly formed request
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Update a website

Updating a website currently only supports updating the bucket's tags

PUT /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}

See Update a bucket

Delete a website

DELETE /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}


Responds with a status code and the deleted objects

    "Website": "",
    "Users": [],
    "Policies": [
    "Groups": [
    "DNSRecord": {
        "AliasTarget": {
            "DNSName": "",
            "EvaluateTargetHealth": false,
            "HostedZoneId": "ABCDEFGHIJ12345"
        "Name": "",
        "Type": "A",
    "Distribution": {
        "ARN": "arn:aws:cloudfront::12345678910:distribution/ABCDEFGHIJKL",
        "DistributionConfig": {
            "Aliases": {
                "Items": [
                "Quantity": 1
        "DomainName": "",
        "Status": "InProgress"
Response Code Definition
200 OK deleted website
400 Bad Request badly formed request
403 Forbidden you don't have access
404 Not Found account or website not found
409 Conflict website bucket is not empty
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Partially update a website

PATCH /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}


    "CacheInvalidation": ["/*"]


Responds with a status code and the changes

    "Invalidation": {
        "CreateTime": "2019-05-20T19:51:54.715Z",
        "Id": "GGHHIIJJKKLLOO",
        "InvalidationBatch": {
            "CallerReference": "2b0fd0c2-e683-44a0-8d4d-3922e965d4a4",
            "Paths": {
                "Items": [
                "Quantity": 1
        "Status": "Completed"
    "Location": ""
Response Code Definition
200 OK deleted website
400 Bad Request badly formed request
403 Forbidden you don't have access
404 Not Found account or website not found
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Generate a Cyberduck bookmark for a website

You can generate a cyberduck bookmark file based on your website name. The file should be saved with the .duck extension. This file does not contain secrets and is safe for distribution. When imported into cyberduck, you will be prompted for the access keys.

GET /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/duck

Create a website user

Optionally you can pass a list of groups to the user creation.

POST /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/users


    "User": { "UserName": "somebucketuser" },
    "Groups": [ "BkrAdmGrp", "WebAdmGrp"]


    "User": {
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678910:user/somebucketuser",
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T16:11:00Z",
        "PasswordLastUsed": null,
        "Path": "/",
        "PermissionsBoundary": null,
        "Tags": null,
        "UserName": "somebucketuser"
    "AccessKey": {
        "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ12345678",
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-01T16:11:00Z",
        "SecretAccessKey": "sssshimsupersekretdonttellanyoneyousawme",
        "Status": "Active",
        "UserName": "somebucketuser"
Response Code Definition
200 OK user created
400 Bad Request badly formed request
403 Forbidden you don't have access to bucket
404 Not Found account or user not found when creating key
409 Conflict user already exists
429 Too Many Requests service or rate limit exceeded
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Get a website user's details

GET /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/users/{user}

See Get a bucket user's details

List users for a website

GET /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/users/{user}

See List users for a bucket

Reset access keys for a website user

PUT /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/users/{user}

See Reset access keys for a bucket user

Delete a website user

DELETE /v1/s3/{account}/websites/{website}/users/{user}

See Delete a bucket user


E Camden Fisher [email protected]


GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (GNU AGPLv3)
Copyright (c) 2019 Yale University


Simple restful API access to Amazon's S3 service







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Contributors 4

