Unofficial port and level editor of Square Meal, a Flash game by Nitrome.
It's the 20th anniversary of Nitrome. Inspired by Sim533's Square Meal Fan Editor, I made this project to replicate one of my favorite games when I was a kid.
Powered by Godot Engine. I also utilize JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler and ChatGPT for resources decompiling and coding.
Some features, such as multi-player and scene transitions, have not been implemented yet. But currently, I don't have enough time to finish them.
This project is for educational purposes only and should not be used for commercial purposes.
自制Godot版本的Square Meal的关卡编辑器。
Square Meal,民间翻译为“神奇小妖怪”、“正方体的饭”等,是Nitrome公司于2007年发布的一款Flash小游戏。这也是我童年时期最喜欢的一款游戏之一。
游戏引擎为Godot。制作过程中借助JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler进行Flash解包,同时借助ChatGPT移植代码。
部分功能尚未实现,如双人游戏、场景切换特效等。不过目前我并没有足够时间去完成了 :(