Java library (omnlib) and playground for the ontology work conducted in the Open-Multinet context. The goal is to offer a converter between GENI v3 RSpecs and selected extensions, the Open-Multinet Ontology, and OASIS TOSCA.
The Java library helps developers to work wiht Open-Multinet related ontologies and includes a translator to convert between RDF, GENI RSpec XMLs, and TOSCA XML.
./src/main/bin/omnlib -o ttl -i src/test/resources/request_bound.xml
Assuming you have a running WildFly instance
- mvn clean compile
- mvn wildfly:deploy
Then convert the file
curl --data-urlencode content@src/test/resources/geni/request/request_bound.xml
Add this repository to your pom.xml file:
- Checkout the code
- Run "mvn clean compile" to auto generate binding files
- Open with IDE (e.g. Eclipse or IntelliJ)
- bin: executables
- data: example data to work with (to help validating and discussing the ontologies)
- generated: auto generated files based (e.g. documentation, graphical representation, other serializations)
- import: related ontologies to be reused (second main focus)
- ontologies: upper ontologies (to main focus)
- queries: example queries to work with (to help validating and discussing the ontologies)
- src: omnlib (Java implementation and tests)
- sparql (command line tool from jena to query data)
- Protégé (graphical ontology editor)
- Eclipse Xturtle (text based ontology editor with code completion and simple validation)
- (command line ontology tools)
- OwlToUml (to visualize simple ontologies as plantuml diagrams)
- rapper (command line tool to convert and check ontologies)
- lodlive (user friendly vizualization of a sparql endpoint)
- yasgui (user friendly query of a sparql endpoint)
- LODE (documentation generator for OWL files)
./bin/ example2
./bin/ advertisement-fp getnodestatus