Pengwin 1.4.6 has been released, including pengwin-base build 429 and pengwin-setup build 1289. In this release we have many contributions made, so thank you to all.
Pengwin 1.4.6 features:
- Fixes WSL2 support for fish. Thanks to @laventillelion
- Correctly detects switch from WSL1 to WSL2 and WSL2 to WSL2 and IP changes to apply those changes to /etc/environment enabling some tools and scripts like CLion to see the X server environment.
- Correctly updates /etc/environment when mesa-utils is installed to correctly enable software-based OpenGL
- Fixed NodeJS installation via apt.
- Added the option to autostart X410 depending on the WSL is being used. Thanks to @branchard
- Fixed NodeJS startup environment variables.
- Fix NVM install to correctly install the latest NodeJS version. Thanks to @haodeon
- The pyenv was fixed for fish. Thanks to @nickolasclarke
- Added more icon sources to the shortcut creation including KDE ones.
- Upgraded the embedded server VCXsrv to
Existing users can update immediately by running $ sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade -y.
An updated build for new installs has been released yesterday via the Microsoft Store.
Planned for Pengwin 1.4.7:
Installers for the most used GUI terminals
Support for ibus to improve the experience with non-latin alphabets
Huge thanks to Patrick, all contributors and issue reporters.