SteamVR Unity Plugin v2.6.1 (sdk 1.3.10)
Upgrading from older versions
Upgrading from anything from 2.3+
Delete SteamVR folder and import. Make sure to restart the editor after everything imports successfully. Sometimes dlls get stuck in import limbo.
Upgrading from anything from 2.1 - 2.3
The location of actions.json and associated bindings has changed. They will get automatically moved from project root to StreamingAssets/SteamVR/
Upgrading from version 2.0
You will need to delete your SteamVR/SteamVR_Input folders, Save and Generate, and then re-set your actions that you've assigned in the editor. You do not need to recreate your actions file or bindings files. This was necessary to support Unity's new serialization in 2018/2019. If you've made changes to your SteamVR/Resources/SteamVR_Settings.asset file, remember to keep it.
Upgrading your project from 1.2.3 or below
You will need to delete the SteamVR folder and rewrite your input layer. See the new documentation site here: for more information. If you don't want to do that then do not upgrade to this version.
Documentation can be found online here:
Quick Start
If you want to explore the interaction scene you'll need to open the SteamVR Input window (under the Window Menu), click yes to copy example jsons, then click Save and Generate to create input actions.
For the most simple example of VR with tracked controllers see the sample scene at SteamVR/Simple Sample
For a more extensive example including picking up, throwing objects, and animated hands see the Interaction System example at SteamVR/Interaction System/Samples/Interactions_Example
If you're having trouble with the plugin the best place to discuss issues is our github here:
If you'd like to discuss features, post guides, and give general feedback please post on the steam forum here:
Changes for 2.6.1
Updated sdk header to 1.13.10
Added support for Unity XR
Added basic Universal Rendering Pipeline support
Added Exclusion for unused build targets
Fixed some error logging messages related to the old VR API.
Fixing obsolete API issue in unity 2020.2a
Moved System.ResetSeatedPosition to Chaperone.ResetZeroPosition(trackingUniverse)
Fixed some errors / warnings in 2020.1+
Fixed HDRP error that would cause SteamVR to not start. (still no hdrp support for the interaction system)