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VisTrust: a Multidimensional Framework and Empirical Study of Trust in Data Visualizations

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Materials for the VisTrust submission to IEEE VIS 2023 can be found in the supplementary materials directory and include the following:

  • PDF of tables containing the full study results
  • PDF of the full study presented to participants (exported from Qualtrics)

Data Dictionary

Data for the full study can be found in the data_clean.csv file within the study_data/full_Study directory.

Label of data column in data_clean.csv Explanation of the contents of the data column
Consent Form Whether the participant agreed to the consent form (1 indicates a response of "I agree")
consent-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to agree or disagree to the consent form (in seconds)
covid-vaccine Whether the participant has received a Covid-19 vaccine (1 indicates a response of "Yes")
covid-vaccine-doses The number of vaccines the participant has received (if they answered "Yes" to the covid-vaccines question)
covid-infection Whether the participant has been verifiably infected with Covid-19 (1 indicates a response of "Yes")
covid-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to answer the covid vaccine/infection questions (in seconds)
intro-vis-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant viewed the visualization during the intro (in seconds)
affect-science_1 The participant's rating of the visualization as Scientific (on a scale from 0-Unscientific to 100-Scientific)
affect-clarity_1 The participant's rating of the visualization as Clear (on a scale from 0-Confusing to 100-Clear)
affect-aesthetic_1 The participant's rating of the visualization as Pretty (on a scale from 0-Ugly to 100-Pretty)
initial-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to answer the affect questions (in seconds)
tour-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to complete the guided tour of the visualization (in seconds)
simple-vlat-1 The participant's answer to the first visual literacy question regarding the simple visualization
simple-vlat-2 The participant's answer to the second visual literacy question regarding the simple visualization
simple-vlat-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to answer the visual literacy questions regarding the simple visualization
moderate-vlat-1 The participant's answer to the first visual literacy question regarding the moderate visualization
moderate-vlat-2 The participant's answer to the second visual literacy question regarding the moderate visualization
moderate-vlat-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to answer the visual literacy questions regarding the moderate visualization
complex-vlat-1 The participant's answer to the visual literacy question regarding the complex visualization
complex-vlat-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to answer the visual literacy questions regarding the complex visualization
explore-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to explore the visualization during the designated explore section of the study
data-trust_1 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "The data is accurate" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
data-trust_2 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "The data is complete and does not leave out important information" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
data-trust_3 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "The data is unbiased and trustworthy" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
data-trust_4 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "I understand the meaning of this data well" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
data-trust_5 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "The data source was clearly displayed" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
data-trust_6 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "I trust this data" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
data-trust-exp Additional comments the participant may have after completing the data trust section
data-trust-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to complete the data trust section
vis-trust_1 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "The visualization transparently includes all important elements of the data" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
vis-trust_2 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "I find it easy to understand this visualization" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
vis-trust_3 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "I like this visualization" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
vis-trust_4 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "I would likely share this visualization with my family, friends or on social media" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
vis-trust_5 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "I would likely use this visualization and its information in my daily life" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
vis-trust_6 Participant's level of agreement with the statement "I trust this visualization" (on a scale from 1-Strongly Disagree to 7-Strongly Agree)
vis-trust-exp Additional comments the participant may have after completing the visualization trust section
vis-trust-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to complete the visualization trust section
interpersonal-trust_1 Participant's answer to the statement "Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?" (on a scale from 1-"Most people cannot be trusted" to 7-"Most people can be trusted")
interper-trust-exp Additional comments the participant may have after completing the interpersonal trust question
interper-trust-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to complete the interpersonal trust section
attention-check_1 The answer ranked in position 1 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Correct answer is 5)
attention-check_2 The answer ranked in position 2 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant)
attention-check_3 The answer ranked in position 3 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant)
attention-check_4 The answer ranked in position 4 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant)
attention-check_5 The answer ranked in position 5 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant)
attention-check_6 The answer ranked in position 6 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant)
attention-check_7 The answer ranked in position 7 by the participant when answering the attention check question (Not relevant)
attention-check-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to complete the attention check question
trust-in-science_1 Participant's level of trust in political parties (on a scale from 0-"Do not trust at all" to 10-"Trust it completely")
trust-in-science_2 Participant's level of trust in the government (on a scale from 0-"Do not trust at all" to 10-"Trust it completely")
trust-in-science_3 Participant's level of trust in the police (on a scale from 0-"Do not trust at all" to 10-"Trust it completely")
trust-in-science_4 Participant's level of trust in the legal system (on a scale from 0-"Do not trust at all" to 10-"Trust it completely")
trust-in-science_5 Participant's level of trust in the news media (on a scale from 0-"Do not trust at all" to 10-"Trust it completely")
trust-in-science_6 Participant's level of trust in business and industry (on a scale from 0-"Do not trust at all" to 10-"Trust it completely")
trust-in-science_7 Participant's level of trust in scientists/science (on a scale from 0-"Do not trust at all" to 10-"Trust it completely")
trust-in-science_8 Participant's level of trust in doctors (on a scale from 0-"Do not trust at all" to 10-"Trust it completely")
trust-science-exp Additional comments the participant may have after completing the trust in science section
trust-science-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to complete the trust in science section
cognition_1 Participant's response to the statement "I would prefer complex to simple problems" (on a scale from 1-"extremely uncharacteristic of me" to 5-"extremely characteristic of me")
cognition_2 Participant's response to the statement "I like to have the responsibility of handling a situation that requires a lot of thinking" (on a scale from 1-"extremely uncharacteristic of me" to 5-"extremely characteristic of me")
cognition_3 Participant's response to the statement "Thinking is not my idea of fun" (on a scale from 1-"extremely uncharacteristic of me" to 5-"extremely characteristic of me")
cognition_4 Participant's response to the statement "I would rather do something that requires little thought than something that is sure to challenge my thinking abilities" (on a scale from 1-"extremely uncharacteristic of me" to 5-"extremely characteristic of me")
cognition_5 Participant's response to the statement "I really enjoy a task that involves coming up with new solutions to problems" (on a scale from 1-"extremely uncharacteristic of me" to 5-"extremely characteristic of me")
cognition_6 Participant's response to the statement "I would prefer a task that is intellectual, difficult, and important to one that is somewhat important but does not require much thought" (on a scale from 1-"extremely uncharacteristic of me" to 5-"extremely characteristic of me")
need-cognition-time_Page Submit The amount of time the participant took to complete the need for cognition section
political_views Participant's identification of political beliefs (on a scale from 1-"extremely liberal" to 7-"extremely conservative", 8-"Do not know/Refused")
covid_information How much the participant actively sought out information regarding Covid-19 (on a scale from 1-"Once a day" to 5-"Never")
politics_time_Page Submit The amount of time the pariticipant took to complete the politics section
Gender The gender of the participant (1-"Man", 2-"Woman", 3-"Non-binary/third gender", 4-"Other", 5-"Prefer not to disclose")
Age The year the participant was born (in the format YYYY)
State_1 The U.S. State the participant currently lives in
Education The highest level of school / highest degree completed by the participant (1-"Maximum 12 grade no diploma", 2-"High school graduate", 3-"Some college but no degree", 4-"Associate degree in college - Occupational/vocational program", 5-"Associate degree in college - Academic Program", 6-"Bachelor's degree (For example: BA, AB, BS)", 7-"Master's degree (For example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)", 8-"Professional school degree (For example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)", 9-"Doctorate degree (For example: PhD, EdD)", 10-"Other")
Parents_education Whether the pariticipant's parents have completed a bachelor's degree (1-"One", 2-"Both", 3-"None")
Language The language spoken at the participant's home (1-"English", 2-"Spanish", 3-"Chinese", 4-"Other")
Language_4_TEXT The language spoken at the participant's home if they answered "Other" to the previous question
Ethnicity The participant's ethnicity (1-"American Indian or Alaska Native (For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Nome Eskimo Community, etc)", 2-"Asian (For example, Chinese, Filipino, Asian Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, etc)", 3-"Black or African-American (For example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, Somalian, etc)", 4-"Hispanic, Latino/a, or Chicano/a (For example, Mexican or Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Salvadoran, Colombian, etc)", 5-"Middle Eastern or North African (For example, Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian, Syrian, Moroccan, Algerian, etc)", 6-"Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (For example, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese, etc)", 7-"White (For example, German, Irish, English, Italian, Polish, French, etc)", 8-"Other race, ethnicity, or origin (please specify)", 9-"Mixed race, ethnicity (please specify)", 10-"Prefer not to disclose")
Ethnicity_8_TEXT The participant's ethnicity if they answered "Other race, ethnicity, or origin" to the Ethnicity question
Ethnicity_9_TEXT The participant's ethnicity if they answered "Mixed race, ethnicity" to the Ethnicity question
Income The total family income of the participant's household (1-"None or less than $4,999", 2-"$5,000–$9,999", 3-"$10,000–$19,999", 4-"$20,000–29,999", 5-"$30,000–39,999", 6-"40,000–49,999", 7-"$50,000–59,999", 8-"90,000–99,999", 9-"$100,000–109,999", 10-"$110,000–119,999", 11-"$120,000–129,999", 12-"$130,000–139,999", 13-"$140,000–149,999", 14-"$150,000 and over", 15-"Do not know", 16-"Prefer not to disclose")
Religion How religious the participant is (on a scale from 1-"Very religious" to 7-"Not religious at all", 8-"Prefer not to disclose")
demographics_time_Page Submit The amount of time it took the participant's the complete the demographics section
provenance-data An array of the participant's interactions with the visualization during the data trust section
provenance-vis An array of the participant's interactions with the visualization during the vis trust section
provenance-tour An array of the participant's interactions with the visualization during the guided tour section
provenance-explore An array of the participant's interactions with the visualization during the explore section
isCovidData Whether the participant was shown a visualization of Covid-19 data (1 indicates "Yes")
complexity The visual complexity of the visualization shown to the participant (e.g., simple, moderate, complex)
chartType The chart type of the visualization shown to the participant (e.g., bar, line)
need_for_cognition Aggregate score for the participant based on their responses to the need for cognition section
brushed Whether the participant used the brush filter (only applies for complex visualizations)
explore_interactions Aggregated list of explore interactions for the participant
hover_interactions Aggregated list of hover interactions for the participant
total_hover_time The total amount of time the participant hovered over a visualization element
avg_hover_time The average amount of time the participant hovered over a visualization element
explore_time The total amount of time the participant spent exploring the visualization
explore_active_time The amount of time the participant spent actively exploring the visualization
vlat_simple Participant's overall score on the visual literacy test for the simple visualization
vlat_moderate Participant's overall score on the visual literacy test for the moderate visualization
vlat_complex Participant's overall score on the visual literacy test for the complex visualization
assigned_vlat The visualization that was shown to the participant
ordinal_complexity The visual complexity of the visualization shown to the participant (1-"simple", 2-"moderate", 3-"complex")


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