Gold Standard Images is a pillar of DevOps best practices. Images are repeatable, self-documented, and portable across multiple platforms and ensure production/staging/development parity. Other benefits include:
- Fast deployment, benefiting not only production, but development as well.
- Early test-ability.
- End-to-end control.
- Known and predictable state.
- Policy enforcement.
The system proposed here relies on, Ansible and virtualization technologies (Vagrant, VirtualBox, KVM, QEMU and Docker) to build minimal images in a repeatable and portable manner. In addition to virtual machines, bare metal is also supported. This is accomplished by providing kickstarts and Ansible playbooks that are similar between bare metal and VMs.
The images produced are minimal by design, containing only the minimum number of packages and configuration to make them workable, secure and general enough to be reused in multiple projects. Images are created from scratch based on ISO images and don't depend on previously uploaded images to the several cloud providers.
The system depends on four inputs, which are well known and maintained:
- OS ISO image.
- OS package repositories.
- Kickstart.
- Ansible playbooks.
- CentOS 7.x
- RedHat 7.x
Note that OS name and versions are named after the values reported by ansible_distribution
and ansible_distribution_version
This is the list of supported providers by build name (Packer's build type in parenthesis):
: Amazon Web Services (virtualbox-iso
: Microsoft Azure (qemu
: Docker (qemu
: Google Compute Platform (qemu
: OpenStack (qemu
: VirtualBox (virtualbox-iso
: VMware (vmware-iso
Read the Bootstrapping section below before attempting to build images for any provider.
Select the VM to build, ie:
And run Packer in parallel to generate images for all providers. Note that due to an incompatibility between VirtualBox and KVM running concurrently, builds need to be split:
packer build -var-file=templates/site.json -var-file=templates/os/${vm_name}.json $opts --only=virtualbox,aws templates/main.json
packer build -var-file=templates/site.json -var-file=templates/os/${vm_name}.json $opts --except=virtualbox,aws templates/main.json
Use Packer options --only
and --except
to select a set of providers to build.
Variables used by Packer templates are set in templates/site.json
and the the OS specific templates found in directory templates/os
. They can also be overridden in the command line using the -var
option. A complete list of variables can be found at the top of templates/main.json
. For example:
-var version=0.0.0
The following options might also be useful:
opts="-var headless=false" # helps debugging kickstarts
opts="-force" # forces overwriting of artifacts
SHA256 checksums generated for all artifacts can be found in the artifacts directory for each provider (see sha256sum).
Note that, although Packer allows automated upload of images to cloud providers, this is not activated at the moment. See below for instructions on uploading/importing to the different providers.
In this section has specific instructions for the supported providers.
Note that in the upload/import subsections, an effort has been made to simplify the commands used by abstracting some of the variables used in all providers, ie build
, artdir
and artifact
. In the future this will evolve into a shell utility to aid building/uploading/importing images.
The aws
provider uses the virtualbox-iso
build type (see virtualbox-iso for dependencies). It also depends on AWS CLI to manage uploads.
The following instructions assume AWS CLI installed and configured to access your AWS account. In addition a AWS S3 bucket for temporary upload of the image before final import into an AWS image must be already available. Note that you might also need to configure AWS policies to accept image imports (see
aws s3 cp $artdir/$artifact.ova s3://${aws_s3_bucket}/
aws ec2 import-image --disk-container "Format=ova,UserBucket={S3Bucket=${aws_s3_bucket},S3Key=$artifact.ova}"
aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks
The azure
provider uses the qemu
build type (see qemu for dependencies). It also depends on qemu-img to convert the artifact into VHD format. Azure CLI is use to upload the image.
The following instructions assume Azure CLI is install and configured to access your Azure account. In addition a resource group must already be available.
az login
az group create -l northeurope -n $resource_group
az storage account create -g $resource_group -l northeurope --kind Storage --sku Standard_RAGRS -n $storage_account
key=$(az storage account keys list -n $storage_account -g $resource_group --output json | jq -r '.[] | select(.keyName == "key1") | .value')
az storage container create --account-name $storage_account --account-key $key -n $container
az storage blob upload -t page --account-name $storage_account --account-key $key -c $container -f $artdir/$artifact.vhd -n $artifact.vhd
Create a VM image from the uploaded VHD
az disk create -g $resource_group -n $artifact --source https://$$container/$artifact.vhd
disk=$(az disk list -g $resource_group --output table --query "[].{Name:name, ID:id}" --output json | jq -r '.[] | select(.Name == "'$artifact'") | .ID')
az image create --resource-group $resource_group --location northeurope --name $artifact --os-type linux --source $disk
The docker
provider uses the qemu
build type (see qemu for dependencies). It also depends on virt-tar-out and gzip to convert the artifact into compress tar file, and Docker to import the image.
docker import $artdir/$artifact.tar.gz ${artifact,,}
Note that docker images need to be lowercase. The above bash substitution in 'docker import' requires Bash 4+.
The gcp
provider uses the qemu
build type (see qemu for dependencies). It also depends on qemu-img and tar to convert the artifact into compressed tar file. Cloud SDK is use to upload the image.
The following instructions assume CLOUD SDK is installed and configured to access your GCP account. In particular, the gsutil
and gcloud
tools need to be available. In addition a GCP bucket for upload of the image before importing must already be available.
image=$(echo $artifact | tr [_.] - | tr [A-Z] [a-z])
gsutil cp $artdir/$artifact.tar.gz gs://${gcp_bucket}
gcloud compute images create $image --source-uri gs://${gcp_bucket}/$artifact.tar.gz
The openstack
provider uses the qemu
build type (see qemu for dependencies). It also depends on the OpenStack command-line to manage an OpenStack cloud, which requires Openstackclient Python Libraries (see below).
. ~/python-openstack/bin/activate
openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --file $artdir/$artifact.qcow2 --tag packer $artifact
to protect the image from being deleted.--public
to make it available to other openstack users.
The virtualbox
provider uses the virtualbox-iso
build type (see virtualbox-iso for dependencies). VirtualBox images are create to be used as Vagrant boxes (see Vagrant). A catalog metadata file can be used for each OS to manage Vagrant images. These files are located in artifacts/
. An example can be found in artifacts/CentOS-7.6.1810.json.example
. Referencing a catalog in a Vagrantfile
will automatically import the last image or prompt for an upgrade if a newer version is found based on the data in the catalog. For example:
# Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "namespace/CentOS-7.6.1810"
config.vm.box_url = 'file:///path/to/artifacts/CentOS-7.6.1810.json'
The vmware
provider uses the vmware
build type (see vmware-iso for dependencies). It also depends on ovftool to convert the artifact to OVA format.
To upload the artifact, login to your VMware account and manually upload the OVA image at $artdir/$artifact.ova
The build of an artifact for use in a cloud environment start with a Packer's template, which in turn will first use a kickstart to bootstrap the machine and then provision if with Ansible playbooks and shell scripts. The end result will produce an artifact that can be deployed to the target cloud environment.
A standard Packer's JSON template for parallel generation of artifacts for different cloud providers is located in the templates/main.json
alongside with a site specific template in templates/site.json
and OS specific templates in directory templates/os
(ie CentOS-7.6.1810.json
The main template declares a set of variables (user variables
as per Packer). These variables are unset in the main template and instead should be set in the appropriate template (see below). Note that failure to set all variables declared with null
in the main template will prevent the build process. Variables can also be overridden in command line (see above). Variables are divided into two types:
- Site specific variables (for example namespace, versions, server urls, disk space, locale info and root password) should be set in
(an example is provided intemplates/site.json.example
). - OS specific variables (ie
). These should be set in the OS specific template undertemplates/os
(an example is provided intemplates/os/CentOS-7.6.1810.json.example
This setup provides flexibility in the image building process and allows site and os selection.
The main templates will bootstrap artifacts for multiple providers, usually providing an additional VirtualBox artifact for development/testing purposes.
As any other Packer template, templates/main.json
is divided in:
- builders: on builder per provider, each declaring how to build the provider. All depend on a local HTTP server to access the kickstart files (see Kickstarts).
- provisioners: all execute two provisioners, the first one using Ansible to provision the image (see Ansible Playbooks), and another calling two shell scripts to clean up the image (see Cleanup Shell Scripts).
- post-processors: some providers need post-processors to convert artifacts to the appropriate format. See Post-processors for a list of the dependencies required.
Kickstart files are located in the http/
directory. The main kickstart file is ks.php
, and requires a server running PHP (see Kickstart server).
You can serve the kickstart files from your local directory using a PHP docker container:
docker run \
-it \
--detach \
--rm \
--name ks-server \
--volume `pwd`/http:/var/www/html \
--volume `pwd`/templates:/var/www/templates \
--publish 8080:80 \
Packer site variables variables defined in templates/site.json
and OS variables defined in templates/os
are available in the kickstart in PHP objects packer_site
and packer_os
. Note that variables defined in the command line while running packer are not reflected here. Currently only packer_os['os_version']
is used (see below).
The kickstart system is divided in multiple files that get included depending on the variables defined the build type and build files for the specified server (found in builds/
). All Packer templates will use definitions found in builds/virtual
while bare metal servers will look for definition files in build/metal
. Different kickstart sections get included for metal or virtual builds appropriately. URLs to target different servers are in the form of http://server.domain:port/ks.php?build=buildtype/build
, where buildtype
is virtual
or metal
and build
is a specific build or host (with default values if build
is not found). If buildtype is not defined, virtual
is used.
Multiple OS (and OS version) are supported by passing os=name-version
in the URL to the kickstart server, ie http://server.domain:port/ks.php?os=CentOS-7.6.1810
. Currently this is only used to pass the OS version to the kickstart scripts and generate the URL for the repository (see http/includes/repo.php
Builders using a kickstart pass the following boot options:
will disable selinux.
The customized kickstart also understands the following options:
will eject the first CD/DVD drive. This is mainly use in bare metal outside of Packer.
Each builder will provision the image by running Ansbile playbook ansible/site.yml
, which in turns runs base tasks from ansible/base.yml
(common to all builders), and then builder specific tasks based on the build name, ie ansible/aws.yml
Packer site and OS specific variables are available to Ansible tasks. Site variables (see templates/site.json
) are passed as Ansible command line variables and prefixed with packer_
(ie packer_namespace
). These variables are also reflected in Ansible if overridden as Packer's command line options. OS specific variables in templates/os
are imported into object packer_os
at the start of the main playbook (ie packer_os.repo_server
) and are not reflected in Ansible if overridden as Packer's command line options.
The structure of these playbooks might not conform to best practices due to the specificity of this projects. In particular, tasks are used directly instead of roles. Tasks (as well as templates and files) are shared among all playbooks to better maintain consistency among generated artifacts. Note that idempotency is not key when running Ansible in this project because a playbook is only run once.
Several shell scripts located in scripts/
are run by each template to clean up the images:
remove caches and
compresses the image.
Following is a tree of files compromising the system along with a brief description. To simplify the tree, only CentOS
is listed here where multiple OS are possible, and only aws
is listed where multiple builder/providers are possible. Note that items marked with !VC
are not stored in version control (git). Also, files ending in .example
will need to be copied into actual files as described in the relevant section in this document and those files should not be stored in version control.
|-- ansible/ Ansible playbooks
| |-- site.yml Main playbook for all Packer builds
| |-- base.yml Base tasks common to all Packer builds
| |-- aws.yml Specific playbook for each Packer build
| |-- group_vars/
| | `-- all.yml Variables for all playbooks/artifacts
| |-- tasks/ Tasks used in playbooks
| |-- files/ Files used by Ansible tasks
| `-- templates/ Templates used by Ansible tasks
|-- artifacts/ Artifacts (intermediate/end images)
| |-- 0.0.0/ Ordered by version
| | `-- CentOS-7.6.1810/ and OS
| | `-- aws/ and provider
| | |-- SHA256SUM SHA256 checksum for all artifacts
| | |-- CentOS-7.6.1810-0.0.0_aws.ova Template specific artifact
| | |-- Vagrant box for debugging purposes
| | `-- ... Other files might be generated. Artifacts are not kept in VC
| `-- CentOS-7.6.1810.json.example Example for vagrant boxes catalog metadata (one per OS)
|-- http/ HTTP server directory for Packer and metal PXE
| |-- ks.php Kickstart entry point
| |-- includes/ Kickstart include files
| | |-- header.php Parse incoming URL and set settings
| | |-- repo.php Repository URLs for OSs
| | |-- rootpw.php Crypted root password
| | |-- metal/ Metal specific Kickstart settings
| | | |-- disk.php
| | | |-- network.php
| | | `-- post.php
| | |-- virtual/ VMs specific Kickstart settings
| | | |-- disk.php
| | | |-- network.php
| | | `-- post.php
| `-- builds/ Per build type definitions
| |-- defaults.php Common defaults for all builds
| |-- virtual/
| | |-- defaults.php Default options for virtual builds
| | `-- aws.php Options for specific builds
| |-- metal/
| | |-- defaults.php Default options for metal hosts
| | `-- {host1,...}.php Options for specific hosts
| `-- packer/
| |-- vars.php Import packer site and OS variables into PHP
| |-- site.json -> Link to packer's templates/site.json
| `-- templates/os/ -> Link to packer's templates/os
|-- keys/ SSH keys [!VC]
| |-- packer For passwordless root access
| |--
| |-- vagrant For passwordless access to Vagrant boxes
| `--
|-- Yeah, readme please!
|-- scripts/ Provisioning helper scripts
| |-- Cleanup boxes
| `-- Compress boxes
|-- templates/ Packer templates
| |-- main.json Parallel template with all builds
| |-- site.json.example Example for site specific variables
| `-- os/ OS specific variables
| `-- CentOS-7.6.1810.json.example Example of OS specific template
|-- test/ Vagrant tests
| `-- Vagrantfile
`-- .gitignore Files to ignore in VC
Before attempting to build images for any provider you should bootstrap the system for your site and have a few tools ready in your system. These would depend on the providers you want to support. Each provider's section above lists the tools needed. Building images can be (and should be) done under a regular non-root user. However, some of the dependencies might need to be installed system wide as the root user.
To bootstrap your site you set up some templates (find further information in Packer Templates):
- Set your site variables
. An example is provided intemplates/site.json.example
- Set your OS variables
. An example is provided intemplates/os/CentOS-7.6.1810.json.example
You also need to set up private keys to access the images when booted on the different providers. These keys live in keys/
and should not be committed to version control. To create both keys use:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -N "" -C "packer" -f keys/packer
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -N "" -C "vagrant" -f keys/vagrant
Packer is the main tool and is used to manage the build process. Find more information and download links their website.
Ansible is used to provision the builds in a standardized way. Most distributions have packages available for Ansible. Alternatively you can also clone the git repository at git:// (see for more information).
You need an HTTP server with PHP support to serve the kickstart files found in the http/
directory. The simplest way is to install apache
and php
and configure it to serve the files in http/
. A simple approach is to configure Apache with Userdir
activated and adding a symlink to ~/public_html
, ie. ln -sf /path/to/http ~/public_html/gold_standard_images
Different built types need different tools installed.
These builds depend on QEMU and KVM. Most distributions have a package qemu-kvm
These builds depends on VirtualBox. Most distributions have packages available.
VMware Workstation or VMware Player+VMware VIX are needed for builds that use the vmware-iso
builder. Note that you might need to be registered at to download the tools. VMware VIX can be downloaded from VMware Player's download site by clicking on the "Drivers & Tools" tab. Note that VMWare 6.5+ changed it support for SHA from SHA1 to SHA256. If you are on an older version of VMware, you'll need to change the SHA algorithm templates/site.json
to produce valid OVA files.
Instructions to install and configure AWS CLI can be found here. Some Linux distributions have packages available.
Follow instructions to install and configure Azure CLI.
Install and configure CLOUD SDK by following the instructions in that link.
Instructions to install Docker can be found here.
To manage an OpenStack cloud from command line requires the OpenStack command-line client. Instructions to install and use the client can be found in its webpage. Briefly, being a python tool it is best to install it in a virtualenv:
virtualenv ~/python-openstack
. ~/python-openstack/bin/activate
pip install python-openstackclient
We also need to configure our system to access the OpenStack cloud. The easiest route is to set environment variables using the OpenStack RC file. Download this file from your cloud at Access & Security > API Access > Download OpenStack RC file
and save locally. Source it before issuing OpenStack client commands and enter your password:
. openstack.rc
Download Vagrant from
Providers might need some post-processing to convert artifacts to the appropriate format. The following is a list of dependencies.
qemu-img is used to convert the Packer artifacts for the azure
and gcp
providers into their proper format for upload. qemu-img is part of qemu and can be found in mainstream distributions as part of the qemu-utils or qemu-img packages.
The Open Virtualization Format Tool (ovftool) is used to convert the Packer artifact for vmware
from VMX to OVA format, which is needed to upload to VMware servers. Note that you will need to be registered at to download ovftool. Follow these links to download and access the documentation.
virt-tar-out is used to produce a compress tar file from the Packer artifact for the docker
provider. virt-tar-out is part of libguestfs. Install libguestfs-tools
from your package manager or see here for further instructions.
sha256sum is needed to generate the SHA256 checksums of all files created by Packer. Usually found in package coreutils.
- User vagrant? Different users might be needed for each artifact
- Bigger disk size and allow to grow?
- guest_os_type variables for vbox and VMware should go in OS template
- Move vm_name out of OS templates?
- Add other options, ie locale, root pass, ...
- Move files with options to example files
- Automate vagrant boxes catalog metadata files in artifacts
- Better description of which variables are set in
- Provide defaults for
variables in kickstarts and ansible (in case they are not defined insite.json
) - Talk about artifact's size in readme.
- Document what ansible playbooks do in detail.
Released under the MIT license.
Luis Gracia while at EMBL-EBI: