OMG, it's full of stars!
Conception and more... Two coder friends, always in love with programming in all of its flavors, got to study JavaScript on CANVAS; thought about creating an easy and ready to go program. This animation was the very first idea they got. To be continued... now if you are looking for an imaginative scenario, please refer to The Imaginative Render on Falling Stars, and get to know immagination is the best render ever!
We respect everybody. We don't take for granted that you should know something previously, so feel free to ask questions about things you didn't understand, for this is also a great contribution which will surelly make us review our code and conceptions.
Please post bugs in the correct Issues repository.
FalingStars is a collaborative project created by two individuals, but open to everyone. You are now invited to help. All types of involvement are welcome: Documentation, both code and English language review, good discussions, etc...
Developers, please check out the Roadmap for more in-depth details about contributing code, our philosofy, bug fixes, etc...
We DO recognize all types of contributions, and so the authors of this project would like - in alphabetic order - to thank:
- Cristiane Miranda, for noticing stars would only fall to the left.
- Mércio Proveti ([email protected]), for rendering this animation on our minds.