Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it here.
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd react-native-projects
- Install the dependencies:
npm i
- Start the development server:
npm run start
- Start and stop the stopwatch
- Record laps
- Reset the stopwatch
- Playable Tic Tac Toe game with a 3x3 grid
- Option to play against another player or the computer
- Display of game results (Winner or Draw)
- Restart the game with the option to select the mode again
- Functional calculator with basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Percentage calculation and bracket handling
- Ability to toggle the sign of the current number
- Display of current input and result
- Clear button to reset the input
Camera Permissions:
- Requests camera access permissions from the user to enable QR code scanning functionality.
Toggle Camera Facing:
- Allows the user to switch between the front and back cameras for scanning.
QR Code Scanning:
- Scans QR codes using the device's camera and decodes the encoded data.
Display Scanned Data:
- Shows the decoded QR code data on the screen.
Copy to Clipboard:
- Provides a button to copy the decoded QR code data to the clipboard.
Open URL:
- If the scanned data is a valid URL, it offers a button to open the URL in the default web browser.
Scan Again:
- Allows the user to reset the scanner and scan another QR code.
Overlay Guide:
- Displays a visual guide (corners only) to help the user position the QR code correctly in the camera view.
Add Todos:
- Allows the user to add new todos by entering text and pressing the add button.
Edit Todos:
- Enables the user to edit existing todos by pressing the edit button and entering new text.
Delete Todos:
- Provides a delete button to remove todos from the list.
Empty State:
- Displays a message indicating that there are no todos when the list is empty.
Scroll View:
- Enables scrolling through a list of todos if they exceed the screen height.
User-Friendly Alerts:
- Alerts the user when trying to add an empty todo or when a todo has been copied to the clipboard.
Persistent State:
- Maintains the current list of todos and text input state.