- nodejs >= 0.7.0 available here
- npm - node package manager ( installed by default with nodejs )
- CALLR npm package available here
To get started with the CALLR npm package, first create your project directory then base project files using
npm init
. npm init initialises the project with a package.json, which contains meta data about your project or app, including modules needed for it to run.// create your project $ mkdir myproject $ cd myproject $ npm init ... About to write to /working/myproject: { "name": "myproject", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC" } Is this ok? (yes)
Install and add the CALLR SDK to your application dependencies.
$ npm install --save callr [email protected] /working/myproject `-- [email protected] npm WARN [email protected] No description npm WARN [email protected] No repository field.
require the CALLR sdk in your project source to begin using.
var callr = require('callr'); var api = new callr.api('login', 'password'); api.call('system.get_timestamp').success(function(response) { // success callback }).error(function(error) { // error callback });
Export your CALLR credentials as environment variables:
// bash
$ export CALLR_LOGIN=<your_login>
$ export CALLR_PASS=<your_password>
// windows cmd
c:\> set CALLR_LOGIN=<your_login>
c:\> set CALLR_PASS=<your_password>
Located in scripts/
- send-sms.js - send an sms message to destination
- node send-sms -t <destination number> -m '<message>'
- media.js - manage media, upload media files, create TTS media
- node media -h // display help
- node media <command> -h // display command help
- campaign.js - manage campaigns, create / list / delete
- node campaign -h // display help
- node campaign <command> -h // display command help
- address.js - manage address books, upload / list / delete
- node address -h // display help
- node address <command> -h // display command help
- click2call.js - list, create and start click2call applications
- node click2call -h // display help
- node click2call <command> -h // display command help
This will guide you through the commands and output needed to create a simple voice campaign, that utilises 2 different sources of media.
Upload our pre-recorded mp3 and create our TTS media
// upload mp3 $ node media upload samples/sample-recording.mp3 -n 'mp3 recording' Import job id: 358c1467123456789123456789ABCDEFG, mp3 recording Media uploaded: mp3 recording, id: 1012345 // create tts voice message $ node media create-tts -n 'my tts' -t 'Hello, welcome to our simple voice campaign' TTS_EN-GB_SERENA media created, id: 1023456
We can check our media library to make sure the creation was successful.
// list media library contents $ node media list ... media id: 1012345, name: mp3 recording, content: , voice: NONE, source: API_IMPORT media id: 1023456, name: my tts, content: Hello, welcome to our simple voice campaign, voice: TTS_EN-GB_SERENA, source: TTS
Next we need to upload our addressbook, this is done with the address.js script:
// upload addressbook $ node address upload -c FR -n "my addressbook" -p 2 samples/sample-addressbook.csv Import job id: 358c146764abcdefghijklmno123, my addressbook Addressbook LH9Q92DC - my addressbook successfully uploaded.
- -c determines the country code for the phonenumbers listed in the addressbook
- -p is the zero based index of the phonenumbers column in the csv/excel document.
( see node address upload -h for more information )
We can list our addressbooks to confirm the upload, or view the ids of already imported addressbooks:
// list addressbooks $ node address list id: LH9QABCD - name: my addressbook, items_count: 5, imported: 2016-01-01 12:00:00 Total of 1 addressbooks found
Next we create our simple voice campaign using the campaign script, using the addressbook id, and media ids.
// create voice campaign $ node campaign create -t 'my simple voice campaign' -a LH9Q92DC -m 1012345,1023456 VOICE_SIMPLE Campaign created ID: QRTCA1B2
- -t is our name for the campaign
- -a determines which addressbook to use for the campaign
- -m denotes a comma separated list of media files to use for said campaign
- VOICE_SIMPLE denotes the type of campaign we are creating ( see node campaign create -h for more information )
With our returned campaign id, we can perform different operations, start / stop / pause, retrieve the config or view the status. ( see node campaign -h for more information )
// show campaign status $ node campaign status QRTCBFTO { "run_id": 1, "state": "CREATED", "finished_cause": "NONE", "finished_cause_data": null, "percent": 0, "items_done": 0, "items_total": 5, "items_total_t": 5, "counters": { "broadcast": { "completed": 0, "history": {} }, "cost": "0.00", "call_status": { "ANSWERED/COMPLETE": 0, "ANSWERED/INCOMPLETE": 0, "ABSENT/NO_ANSWER": 0, "ABSENT/BUSY": 0, "ABSENT/VOICEMAIL_DETECTED": 0, "ERROR/UNALLOCATED_NUMBER": 0, "ERROR/REJECTED": 0, "ERROR/BLACKLISTED": 0, "ERROR/OTHER": 0 ... "scheduled": false, "started_at": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "ended_at": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "reports": [], "state_history": [] }
To send a sms, use the send-sms.js script
$ node send-sms.js -t +33123456789 -m "Hello, from test sms!"
sms sent id: 6CQLABCD
Please see the README here for more information on running the full Click2Call web demo application.
To create a simple click to call application, use click2call.js, here we will create a click to call application with a tts media that will be played to person A before they are connected to person B.
For more information on the Click to Call api, see the documentation here and related objects here.
Create our tts media file, with a simple greeting. ( see Sample scripts for more information on using the media script )
$ node media create-tts -t 'Hello, connecting you to home base, please hold' -n 'my greeting' TTS_EN-GB_SERENA media created, id: 1051111
Create the click to call application, passing the media to be played to callee A before connecting them to callee B
$ node click2call.js create -m 1051111 'my click2call application' Click2Call app created, id: N9BUABCD name: my click2call application
Start the click to call application, passing the 2 telephones to be connected
$ node click2call.js start -a +33123456789 -b +33123456987 N9BUABCD Click2Call application started, call id: PHABCD1U
A call will be first placed to person A, and the media file passed to Click to call creation will be played before being connected with person B.
- You will find API documentation and snippets here at http://thecallr.com/docs/
- Or in our github repository https://github.com/THECALLR/
- nodejs sdk github here (https://github.com/THECALLR/sdk-nodejs)
- nodejs examples here (https://github.com/THECALLR/examples-nodejs)
If you have any further questions or require assistance with these examples, please contact CALLR Support
- [email protected]
- FR: +33 (0)1 84 14 00 30