Memory Game, also known as the Concentration card game or Matching Game, is a simple card game where you need to match pairs by turn over 2 cards at a time.
This is a retro grid-based game in HTML, CSS and Javascript - DOM Selectors and Event Listener.
The game board consists of sixteen "cards" arranged in a grid. The deck is made up of eight different pairs of cards, each with different symbols on one side. The cards are arranged randomly on the grid with the symbol face down. The gameplay rules are very simple: flip over two hidden cards at a time to locate the ones that match!
At each turn:
- Click on any card to reveal a symbol.
- Click on another card to find the matching symbol.
- If the cards matched, they stay flipped over.
- If cards does not match, they flip back to their original state.
- Use your memory to remember what symbol shows up on which card.
- Match all the 16 cards before your moves exhaust!
You can play it now! Just click here:
Memory Game Logic | The game randomly shuffles the cards. A user wins once all cards have successfully been matched. |
Win or Lose Popup | When a user wins the game, a modal appears to congratulate the player or when user lose, Game Over modal displays and ask if they want to play again. |
Restart Button | A restart button allows the player to reset the game board and move counter. |
Move Counter | Game displays the remaining number of moves out of 30 when a user has made move. |