🦾 API for robotic manipulators based on:
Docker for building required environment can be found here.
For building ROS 2 packages and moveit, it is neccessary to use colcon.
Tell us anonymously what arms we should support here. 😄
Aditional dependencies are (depending on the arm you use):
With arm_api
as precursor, which was intended to provide simple ROS interfacing with
robot manipulators with the help of MoveIt! and ROS.
This repository arm_api2
is intended to provide interfacing support for robot manipulators for ROS 2 and MoveIt2!.
Create API simple to run and maintain that supports working with different robot manipulators out of the box.
Robot manipulators of interest are:
- Franka Emika
- UR
- Kinova
- Kuka
Wanted arm functionalities:
Change robot state:
- srv:
- values
Command robot pose:
- msg:
Command cartesian path:
- msg:
Get current end effector pose:
- msg:
Currently implemented and available robot states are:
, which is used for joint controlCART_TRAJ_CTL
, which is used for cartesian controlSERVO_CTL
, which is used for the end effector servoing
Change robot state by calling:
ros2 service call /change_state arm_api2_msgs/srv/ChangeState "{state: JOINT_TRAJ_CTL}
Build in ROS 2 workspace. Build just one package with:
colcon build --packages-select arm_api2
Build with the compile commands (enable autocomplete):
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
Building with --symlink-install
causes it to fail often because of already built ROS 2 packages, you can run:
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON --continue-on-error
Full verbose build command:
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select moveit2_tutorials --cmake-args -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON
Copy to ~/.bashrc
and source it.
alias cbp="colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select"
alias panda_sim="ros2 launch panda gz.launch.py"
alias kinova_sim="ros2 launch kortex_bringup kortex_sim_control.launch.py dof:=7 use_sim_time:=true launch_rviz:=false"
alias ur_sim="ros2 launch ur_simulation_gz ur_sim_control.launch.py ur_type:=\"ur10\""
Build arm_api2
package as:
cbp arm_api2
Start franka sim with:
Start kinova sim with:
Start ur sim with:
Start iface by changing robot_name
argument to kinova
, ur
or franka
. Depending which arm you want to use, when running:
ros2 launch arm_api2 moveit2_iface.launch.py robot_name:=<robot_name>
Start kinova with:
tmuxinator start kinova_api2
after calling
./copy_tmuxinator_config.sh kinova_api2.yml
located in utils/tmux_configs
. Navigate between
panes with Ctrl+B
You can run kinova in simulation by executing following commands:
ros2 launch kortex_bringup kortex_sim_control.launch.py dof:=7 use_sim_time:=true launch_rviz:=false
if alias has been added.
After that run move_group
node as follows:
ros2 launch kinova_gen3_7dof_robotiq_2f_85_moveit_config sim.launch.py
After that run arm_api2
node as follows:
ros2 launch arm_api2 moveit2_iface.launch.py robot_name:="kinova"
How to setup real kinova here.
You can run UR in simulation by executing following commands:
ros2 launch ur_simulation_gz ur_sim_control.launch.py ur_type:="ur10"
if alias has been added.
After that run move_group
node as follows:
ros2 launch ur_moveit_config ur_moveit.launch.py ur_type:="ur10" use_sim_time:=true
After that run arm_api2
node as follows:
ros2 launch arm_api2 moveit2_iface.launch.py robot_name:="ur"
First run:
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-ur
After that, in your ROS 2 workspace clone:
- ur_gz_sim
- ur_ros2_driver
and build your workspace. Source it, and you're good to go.
Note, those are forks of the official UR repositories on the humble
with slight changes to the launch
In order to use this package with custom arm, you need to do following:
Create moveit_package for your arm using
. Tutorial on how to use it can be be found here. Output of themoveit_setup_assistant
package. -
Create config files:
a) Create <custom_arm>_config.yaml
and <custom_arm>_servo_config.yaml
in the config folder.
b) Modify moveit2_iface.launch.py
script by setting correct robot
argument to the <custom_arm>
- Setup robot launch file:
In order to be able to use <custom_arm>
please make sure that you set following parameters to true when launching
node (generated by moveit_setup_assistant):
publish_robot_description_semantic = {"publish_robot_description_semantic": True}
publish_robot_description = {"publish_robot_description": True}
publish_robot_description_kinematics = {"publish_robot_description_kinematics": True}
as shown here.
- Launch:
a) Launch your robot (see examples on kinova, UR or Franka) - move_group
b) Launch moveit2_iface.launch.py
with correct robot
- Fix command/reached pose mismatch!
- Add orientation normalization
- Create universal launch file
- Add contributing
- Test with real robot manipulator [tested on Kinova, basic functionality tested]
- Add basic documentation
- Add roadmap
- Create standardized joystick class [full]
- Discuss potential SW patterns that can be used
- Add full cartesian following
- Add roll, pitch, yaw and quaternion conversion
- Decouple moveit2_iface.cpp and utils.cpp (contains all utils scripts)
- Create table of supported robot manipulators