Security Tools for Super Users is a tool for listing the contents of all crontabs on a Linux system. It must be run as root.
Dependencies: figlet (optional), most (pager)
NOTE: To change the pager, change the end of line 27 to less or more. You can also remove the pager altogether. I used most because it colorizes the content and makes it easier to see what's going on. is a tool for updating and upgrading an Ubuntu system to latest LTS. Is mostly automated. Recommended to run as root or in a root shell. is a script to view the following in a single pager:
- The active network processes (
sudo netstat -antpu
) - The full system processes tree (
sudo pstree -p
) - The systemctl status (
sudo systemctl status
) simply installs figlet ('cause why not?), htop and nethogs. You can also just run sudo apt-get install -y figlet htop nethogs
IS NOT FUNCTIONAL. DO NOT USE. is a tool that auto-configures/ensures the following PAM policies:
- password [success=1 default=ignore] obscure sha512 minlen=10 remember=5
- auth required deny=4 unlock_time=1800
- account required NOTE: Any pam_tally2 policies must precede pam_unix policies!
Here's some other super popular and powerful tools:
- atop # xxx Root
- bmon # DONE
- cmatrix # DONE
- dnstop # xxx Root
- ethstatus
- glances
- htop
- ifstat
- iotop
- iptotal
- iptraf-ng
- itop
- jnettop
- kerneltop
- latencytop
- logtop
- netmrg
- nload
- nmon
- ntop
- powertop
- sagan
- slurm
- snetz
- top
- tiptop
- vnstat