Predefined sets of Arma3 unit loadouts, easily applied.
Highly recommended: >= npm-3.x
, which comes with NodeJS 6.x. Don't use older versions!
npm install grad-factions --save
For updating, change the desired version number in your mission's package.json
, and do npm install
Alternatively, you can install grad-factions
manually. You will then also need grad-loadout
- download both
as zipfiles from github, and put the directories into anode_modules
directories, so that you get:
You may set some of those options. They may or may have no effect, depending on the chosen factions.
#define NIGHTVISION // equip night vision goggles
#define GUNLIGHTS // equip gun lights
#define LASERS // equip weapon laser
#define SUPPRESSORS // equip suppressors
Below, add this:
class Loadouts {
baseDelay = 1; // base delay in seconds before applying loadouts on mission start
handleRadios = 1; // radios are handled by grad-loadout
resetLoadout = 0; // start with empty loadouts instead of modifying existing loadout
class Faction {
#include "node_modules\grad-factions\loadouts.hpp"
class CfgFunctions {
#include "node_modules\grad-loadout\CfgFunctions.hpp"
You're nearly done. One last thing you will have to do: define which loadouts should actually be applied: Somewhere in your init.sqf, for example:
["BLU_F", "BwFleck"] call GRAD_Loadout_fnc_FactionSetLoadout;
["OPF_G_F", "ModerateRebels"] call GRAD_Loadout_fnc_FactionSetLoadout;
These factions are available (see also the factions
name | description |
BwFleck | Bundeswehr Flecktarn |
BwTrop | Bundeswehr Tropentarn |
ModerateRebels | Mittelmäßig bewaffnete, halbzivile Rebellen |
Peshmerga | kurdische Streitkräfte, russische Waffen |
RuFlora | Russian MSV Flora |
RuEMR | Russian MSV EMR-Summer |
RuMedit | Russian Mediterran |
Taliban | Taliban |
UsOCP | US Army OCP |
UsUCP | US Army UCP |
UsMPT | US Marines MARPAT |
HINT: If you do not know which faction your editor-created units belong to, have a look into the BI Community Wiki
NOTE: Loadouts are not guaranteed to work with units provided by Mods. If you need a specific mod supported, open an issue with grad-loadout.
Von den angegebenen Kategorien haben die folgenden Einheiten ein Standardloadout:
Englisch: | Deutsch: | Funktion: |
Asst. Autorifleman | Zweiter Automatik Schütze | Munitionsträger für LMG |
Asst. Gunner (HMG/GMG) | Zweiter Schütze (Mk30/GMG) | Munitionsträger für MMG |
Asst. Missile Specialist (AA) | Zweiter Raketenspezialist (Luftabwehr) | Munitionsträger für Luftabwehrschütze |
Asst. Missile Specialist (AT) | Zweiter Raketenspezialist (Panzerabwehr) | Munitionsträger für Panzerabwehrschütze |
Autorifleman | Automatik-Schütze | LMG Schütze |
Combat Life Saver | Sanitäter | Sanitäter |
Explosive Specialist | Sprengmeister | Sprengmeister |
Grenadier | Grenadier | Grenadier |
Heavy Gunner | Schwerer Schütze | MMG Schütze |
Marksman | Scharfschütze (nicht DLC) | Gruppenscharfschütze (DMR) |
Missile Specialist (AA) | Raketenspezialist (Luftabwehr) | Luftabwehrschütze |
Missile Specialist (AT) | Raketenspezialist (Panzerabwehr) | Panzerabwehrschütze |
Repair Specialist | Reparaturspezialist | Reparaturspezialist |
Rifleman | Schütze | Schütze |
Rifleman (AT) | Schütze (Panzerabwehr) | Schütze mit leichter AT-Waffe |
Squad Leader | Truppführer | Truppführer |
Team Leader | Teamleader | Gruppenführer und Zugführer |
Sowie derzeit nur bei den russischen Faktionen:
Englisch: | Deutsch: | Funktion: |
Sniper | Sniper | Sniper |
Spotter | Spotter | Spotter |