Builds a docker with mazacoind build env and builds mazacoind This will produce you a ready-to-run mazacoind
*** Installation ***
As simple as git clone & make!!
git clone
cd docker-mazacoind
*** RUN ***
To simply run a basic mazacoind all you need is:
docker run -d -p XXX:12832 -p XXX:12835 mazaclub/mazacoind /sbin/my_init
This comes with an ssh server running to simplify you manangement. You can either enter with nsenter, or ssh
Run the docker with ssh available:
docker run -d -p XXX:22 -p XXX:12832 -p XXX:12835 mazaclub/mazacoind /sbin/my_init --enable-insecure-key
To use the include insecure SSH key,
# Download the insecure private key
curl -o insecure_key -fSL
chmod 600 insecure_key
ssh -i insecure_key root@localhost
ssh -i insecure_key root@ echo hello world
Datadir is /root/.mazacoin - symlinked to /.mazacoin to handle various docker dun styles.
A basic mazacoin.conf is provided, with seed nodes, and a random rpcpassword set, and RPC allowed in from the docker.
We haven't tested this in a production payment processing mazacoind.
At this time, if you run in a production payment system, you may wish to run the docker with the wallet.dat located on the host filesystem. This may ease recovery, or speed recovery time in the event of a docker failure.
docker run -d -p XXX:12832 -p XXX:12835 -v /var/mazacoin/wallets/wallet.dat:/root/.mazacoin/wallet.dat mazaclub/mazacoind /sbin/my_init