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Code for the standard data processing pipeline for the ERC project MICROSCOPE

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Code for the standard data processing pipeline for the ERC project MICROSCOPE

Available scripts in approximate order of operation

├──                   ## Wrapper that applies pandora2eager to each unprocessed sequencing batch, and merges data from identical twins if necessary.
├── ## If identical individuals are flagged for a batch, creates the required symlinks and updates the TSV to duplicate and merge individual data.
├──                       ## Wrapper that runs/resumes eager for each unprocessed sequencing run
├── MICROSCOPE.config                  ## Configuration file for eager runs. contains all parameters for the eager runs
├── assets
│   └── adapter_list.txt               ## List of adapters used for the adapter-trimming step in eager
├──          ## Makes a poseidon package per batch using info form PANDORA and the batch genotypes
├── bin
│   └──           ## Collects all genotypes from the eager output to a single file. Used by
├── plink_mds
│   ├── west_eurasian_poplist.txt      ## List of West Eurasian populations for forging the pca package.
│   ├──           ## Create forge list and forge PCA poseidon package.
│   └──                   ## Use plink to calculate pairwise distances between all individuals.
├──              ## Nextflow pipeline for each analysis that needs to be ran per batch.
├──             ## Wrapper that knits the extended preliminary report for each newly processed eager run
└── project_reports
    ├── assets
    │   └── bg_annotation.txt          ## Annotation info for west Eurasian bg PCA pops.
    ├── knit_long_report.R             ## Finds the correct input files to knit the extended preliminary report for a batch
    └── long_report.Rmd                ## The extended preliminary report template file

Requires no command-line arguments. Will read sequence IDs from each file from the sequencing batch directory and run query_pandora_for_data.R on any batch files that have not yet been process, or have been updated since processing. If a duplicate individual/identical twin annotation file exists for a batch, is applied to the created TSV.


usage: Rscript query_pandora_for_data.R /path/to/input_seq_IDs_file.txt /path/to/pandora/.credentials [-r/--rename].

	 -r/--rename	Changes all dots (.) in the Library_ID field of the output to underscores (_).
			Some tools used in nf-core/eager will strip everything after the first dot (.)
			from the name of the input file, which can cause naming conflicts in rare cases.

Requires the correct .credentials file. Option -r not provided by seqIds2Eager2 at present.

usage: <input_eager_tsv> <identical_twins_tsv>

This shell script will read through the identical twins annotation file of a batch and create symbolic links for the R1/R2 columns of the merge_this individual, then duplicate the rows of the individual in the merge_this column, and replace the individual ID with the one in the into_this column, and the R1/R2 columns with the symlinks created above.

A copy of the input TSV file will be kept as backup with the added extension .bak, while the edited TSV will replace file in the input path.

If no output from a completed nf-core/eager run is found for a batch (i.e. a MultiQC report html), runs eager on the batch. This script will also look into barcode_info_fn, a text file of three columns that provides the batch name, and length of barcodes on the head and tail of each fragment. This information is used to activate the post_ar_trimming of nf-core/eager. The barcode info file is formatted as shown below:

batch_name	front_trim	tail_trim
2022-01-01-my_batch	7	7

If a run has failed or the eager output predates the creation time of the input TSV (i.e. additional data has become available for a batch) will ask the user if it should resume each run in turn. User can reply "Yes to all" to resume all further failed runs.

Output directory for batch 2022-01-01-my_batch already exists, but lacks 'multiqc/multiqc_report.html', or that report is outdated.'
If a nextflow run for that batch did not complete successfully and was killed, I can try to resume that run from where it failed.
Would you like me to try?
            [Y]es to all

⚠️ For batches that contain genotypes from both ssDNA and dsDNA libraries, the ssDNA libraries are preferred and dsDNA genotypes are ignored!

This script will copmare all completed eager runs with all completed reports and create preliminary reports for any eager runs that are newer than the associated preliminary report or do not have an associated preliminary report.
Under the hood, this script finds the correct sex determination, snp coverage, and general stats output files from each batch that requires updating and provides them to knit_preliminary_report.R. The -f option can be provided to force recreation of all reports. This is useful in cases where the report template has been updated, so all reports need updating.

	 Usage: [-f] 

This script will copmare all completed eager runs with all completed reports and create preliminary reports for any runs that
	are newer than the associated preliminary report or do not have an associated preliminary report.

-h, --help		Print this text and exit.
-f, --force		Force recreation of preliminary reports for all finished eager runs.


Called by under the hood. Knits preliminary_report.Rmd with the provided input files.

Usage: ./project_reports/knit_preliminary_report.R -r preliminary_report.Rmd -c .credentials -o output.pdf -s snp_coverage.txt -d sexdet.txt -t stats_table.tsv -b my_batch_name

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit

		Path to the report template Rmd.

	-c CRED_FILE, --cred_file=CRED_FILE
		The pandora credentials file.

	-o OUTPUT_PDF_NAME, --output_pdf_name=OUTPUT_PDF_NAME
		The name of the output .pdf report.

	-s SNP_COVERAGE_FILE, --snp_coverage_file=SNP_COVERAGE_FILE
		The path to the eigenstrat snp coverage file.

	-d SEX_DET_FILE, --sex_det_file=SEX_DET_FILE
		The path to the sex determination output file.

	-t STATS_TABLE, --stats_table=STATS_TABLE
		The path to the multiqc general stats table file.

	-b BATCH_NAME, --batch_name=BATCH_NAME
		The name of the batch, to be capitalised and used as a subtitle for the report.

Compares the creation time of the genotype dataset in the eager output and the POSEIDON.yml of a batch to determine which poseidon packages need creating/updating. Those pacakges will be recreated from scratch with trident init. For batches that contain genotypes from both ssDNA and dsDNA libraries, the ssDNA libraries are preferred and dsDNA genotypes are ignored! The package janno files are then updated using eager2poseidon and sidora.core under the hood. If an identical twins annotation file exists for the batch, the janno file is updated to reflect this. Specifically:

  • The Group_Name of merge_this individuals is updated to reflect that their data is included in another Poseidon ID.
  • The Alternative_IDs and Note fields of into_this individuals are updated to clarify that this individual actually contains the data of the merge_this individual as well.

The .fam and .ind files in the package are then also updated with the Genetic_Sex and Group_Name information of the .janno file.

Checks if any poseidon packages have been updated since the last forge and reforges the package to include latest genotype data from each batch. All unique population names from all MICROSCOPE poseidon packages are appended to the populations in west_eurasian_poplist.txt, creating a forgelist for use with trident forge. The resulting package is always created in /mnt/archgen/MICROSCOPE/forged_packages/ and is named microscope_pca.

If the microscope_pca package has been updated since the last run, runs plink --indep-pairwise on the dataset, and saves the resulting distance matrix as /mnt/archgen/MICROSCOPE/microscope_pca/pairwise_distances.mdist{,.id}.

⚠️ Wrapper still required for this.

$ nextflow run --help
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 21.04.0
Launching `` [romantic_tuckerman] - revision: 02cb196e8b

The typical command for running the pipeline on sdag is as follows:
nextflow run -profile eva,archgen --batch <batch_name> --outdir /mnt/archgen/MICROSCOPE/automated_analysis
Mandatory arguments:
    -profile [str]          Institution or personal hardware config to use (e.g. standard, docker, singularity, conda, aws). Ask your system admin if unsure, or check documentation.
    --batch   [str]         The sequencing batch name to process.
    --outdir [str]          The desired directory within which all output files will be placed. One directory per sequencing batch will be created within this directory, which in turn will contain one directory per analysis.

Runs standardised analyses per batch. Currently only includes pMMR calculation using bioconda::pmmrcalculator=1.1.0

⚠️ For batches that contain genotypes from both ssDNA and dsDNA libraries, the ssDNA libraries are preferred and dsDNA genotypes are ignored!

This script will copmare all completed eager runs with all completed reports and create extended preliminary reports for any eager runs that are newer than the associated extended preliminary report or do not have an associated extended preliminary report.
Under the hood, this script finds the correct sex determination, snp coverage, general stats output files (just like and additionally the pMMR table for the batch, the pairwise distance matrix generated by plink, and the annotation file for present-day West Eurasian populations, for each batch that requires updating and provides them to knit_long_report.R. The -f option can be provided to force recreation of all reports. This is useful in cases where the report template has been updated, so all reports need updating.

	 Usage: [-f] 

This script will copmare all completed eager runs with all completed reports and create long reports for any runs that
	are newer than the associated long report or do not have an associated long report.

-h, --help		Print this text and exit.
-f, --force		Force recreation of long reports for all finished eager runs.


Called by under the hood. Knits long_report.Rmd with the provided input files.

Usage: ./project_reports/knit_long_report.R -r long_report.Rmd -c .credentials -o output.pdf -s snp_coverage.txt -d sexdet.txt -t stats_table.tsv -p pMMR.out.txt -j package.janno -G package.geno -S package.snp -I package.ind -b my_batch_name -a annotation.txt -D distance.mdist -i

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit

		Path to the report template Rmd.

	-c CRED_FILE, --cred_file=CRED_FILE
		The pandora credentials file.

	-o OUTPUT_PDF_NAME, --output_pdf_name=OUTPUT_PDF_NAME
		The name of the output .pdf report.

	-s SNP_COVERAGE_FILE, --snp_coverage_file=SNP_COVERAGE_FILE
		The path to the eigenstrat snp coverage file.

	-d SEX_DET_FILE, --sex_det_file=SEX_DET_FILE
		The path to the sex determination output file.

	-t STATS_TABLE, --stats_table=STATS_TABLE
		The path to the multiqc general stats table file.

	-p PMMR_RESULTS, --pmmr_results=PMMR_RESULTS
		The path to the pMMR results file.

	-j JANNO_FN, --janno_fn=JANNO_FN
		The path to the forged meta-package janno file.

		The path to the package eigenstrat .geno file.

		The path to the package eigenstrat .snp file.

		The path to the package eigenstrat .ind file.

	-b BATCH_NAME, --batch_name=BATCH_NAME
		The name of the batch, to be capitalised and used as a subtitle for the report.

		The path to the file with the annotation info for the PCA background.

		Path of the plink pairwise distance matrix.

	-i DISTANCE_IDS, --distance_ids=DISTANCE_IDS
		Path of the Ids for the plink pairwise distance matrix.

⚠️ Currently the -G, -S and -I options are not used within the report, but are implemented for future use.


Code for the standard data processing pipeline for the ERC project MICROSCOPE






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