A simple way to take a screenshot of a website by providing its URL. ws-screenshot include a simple web UI but also a REST API and a Websocket API to automate screenshots.
DEMO: https://backup15.terasp.net/
Run once:
docker pull elestio/ws-screenshot.slim
docker run -p 3000:3000 -it elestio/ws-screenshot.slim
or Run as a docker service:
docker run --name ws-screenshot -d --restart always -p 3000:3000 -it elestio/ws-screenshot.slim
Then open http://yourIP:3000/ in your browser
- Linux, Windows or Mac OS
- Node 12+
sudo apt -y install curl dirmngr apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt -y install nodejs
Clone this repo then install NPM dependencies for ws-screenshot:
git clone [email protected]:elestio/ws-screenshot.git
cd ws-screenshot
npm install
Finally we can start WS-SCREENSHOT Server one-time:
or run as a service with pm2
npm install -g pm2
pm2 start run.sh --name ws-screenshot
pm2 save
Run just once
docker build -t ws-screenshot .
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 -it ws-screenshot
Run as a docker service
docker run --name ws-screenshot -d --restart always -p 3000:3000 -it ws-screenshot
Run with helm
helm upgrade --install ws-screenshot --namespace ws-screenshot helm/
env variable:
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 --env PROXY_SERVER=socks5://host:port -it ws-screenshot
NOTE: Chromium ignores username and password in
Make a GET request (or open the url in your browser):
var event = {
cmd: "screenshot",
url: url,
originalTS: (+new Date()),
resX: resX,
resY: resY,
outFormat: outFormat,
isFullPage: isFullPage
You can check /public/js/client.js and /public/index.html for a sample on how to call the Websocket API
- url: full url to screenshot, must start with http:// or https://
- resX: integer value for screen width, default: 1280
- resY: integer value for screen height, default: 900
- outFormat: output format, can be jpg, png or pdf, default: jpg
- isFullPage: true or false, indicate if we should scroll the page and make a full page screenshot, default: false
- waitTime: integer value in milliseconds, indicate max time to wait for page resources to load, default: 100
You can protect the REST & WS APIs with an ApiKey, this is usefull if you want to protect your screenshot server from being used by anyone To do that, open appconfig.json and set any string like a GUID in ApiKey attribute. This will be your ApiKey to pass to REST & WS APIs
To call the REST API with an ApiKey:
To call the Websocket API with an ApiKey:
var event = {
cmd: "screenshot",
url: url,
originalTS: (+new Date()),
You can check /public/js/client.js for a sample on how to call the Websocket API
- Add support for cookies / localstorage auth (to be able to screenshot authenticated pages)