Final test for checking student knowledge and practical skills
Create simple counter web app
- Counter should contain three button (next, prev, reset) and display.
- Display should show current value start from 0 to 100
- Start value is 0 step is 1
- When user click on button next you should add 1 point to current value
- When user click on button prev you should subtract 1 point from current value
- When user click reset button you should reset cuttent value to 0
Create simple timer web app
- Counter should contain three button (start, stop, reset) and display.
- Display should show timer time
- When user click on button start you should start timer from current value
- When user click on button stop you should stop timer
- When user click reset button you should reset timer
Create simple web app
- You should generate field 5x5.
- Every cell should contain a number of same colors and sizes.
- The order of the numbers must be random from 1 to 25 each time
- When user click on cell you should add number 5 to current value
Create simple timer web app
- You should generate field 5x5.
- Every cell should contain a number of different colors and sizes.
- The order of the numbers must be random from 1 to 25 each time
- When user click on cell you should hide current value in the cell
Create sea battle board
- You should generate sea battle board. It is possible to use any html-tags at will
- The board should be drawn accordingly. Rows should be numbered from 1 to 10,
- Columns - in Latin letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H..
Create a simple button whose change state when users clicks on them.
- You should create button with event onClick
- Sequence of statuses: ['start', 'in progress', 'pause', 'disconnect', 'finish']
- Every status should change color off tax label
- When the user achieve the last status you should return to the first status
Create a survey form with validation and submit button.
- As user I want to see survey form (first name, last name, email, description, and gender with two radio button ) button submit.
- When form is valid show message in block with id="demo"
- All text field must be letters without special characters
- when field is invalid add red border for input
first name: <first name>
last name: <last name>
email: <email>
gender: <gender>
description: <description>
Create a simple navigation menu.
- You should create a navigation menu
- When you on the click menu item you should open sub navigation list
Create responsive html markups for mobile, table, desktop use float methodology.
- Use css media queries
- Use css variables
- Markups must be adaptive and responsive according to design
Create responsive html markups for mobile, table, desktop use flex methodology.
- Use css media queries
- Use css variables
- Markups must be adaptive and responsive according to design
Create responsive html markups for mobile, table, desktop use grid methodology.
- Use css media queries
- Use css variables
- Markups must be adaptive and responsive according to design
Create responsive html markups for mobile, table, desktop use flex methodology.
- Use css media queries
- Use css variables
- Markups must be adaptive and responsive according to design
Create Simple HTML page use css SMACSS methodology.
- css SMACSS metodolody
- Use css media queries
- Use css variables
Create widgets slider.
- use javascript or jQuery or other js library
- Markups must be according to design
Create widgets Autocomplete.