This is a plugin for csp-billing-adapter that provides CSP hook implementations. This includes the hooks defined in the module.
The meter_billing
function accepts a dictionary mapping of dimension name
to usage quantity. This information is used to bill the customer for
the product ID that is configured in the adapter. If there is an exception
with metered billing the exception is raised.
The get_csp_name
function returns the name of the CSP provider. In this
case it is microsoft.
The get_account_info
function provides metadata information for the running
instance or container. The structure of this information is as follows:
"compute": {
"azEnvironment": "AzurePublicCloud",
"customData": "",
"isHostCompatibilityLayerVm": "false",
"licenseType": "",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "csp-adapter-test",
"offer": "sles-15-sp4-byos",
"osProfile": {
"adminUsername": "foo",
"computerName": "csp-adapter-test"
"osType": "Linux",
"placementGroupId": "",
"plan": {
"name": "",
"product": "",
"publisher": ""
"platformFaultDomain": "0",
"platformUpdateDomain": "0",
"provider": "Microsoft.Compute",
"publicKeys": [
"keyData": ssh_public_key,
"path": "/home/foo/.ssh/authorized_keys"
"publisher": "suse",
"resourceGroupName": "foo",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/foo/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/csp-adapter-test",
"securityProfile": {
"secureBootEnabled": "false",
"virtualTpmEnabled": "false"
"sku": "gen2",
"storageProfile": {
"dataDisks": [],
"imageReference": {
"id": "",
"offer": "sles-15-sp4-byos",
"publisher": "suse",
"sku": "gen2",
"version": "2023.05.06"
"osDisk": {
"caching": "ReadWrite",
"createOption": "FromImage",
"diffDiskSettings": {
"option": ""
"diskSizeGB": "30",
"encryptionSettings": {
"enabled": "false"
"image": {
"uri": ""
"managedDisk": {
"id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/foo/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/csp-adapter-test_Os_Disk_1_12345678901234567890",
"storageAccountType": "Premium_LRS"
"name": "csp-adapter-test_Os_Disk_1_12345678901234567890",
"osType": "Linux",
"vhd": {
"uri": ""
"writeAcceleratorEnabled": "false"
"subscriptionId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"tags": "Cost Center:123456789;Department:foo;Environment:foo;Finance Business Partner:foo;General Ledger Code:123456789;Group:foo;Owner:foo;Stakeholder:foo",
"tagsList": [
"name": "Cost Center",
"value": "12345678"
"name": "Department",
"value": "foo"
"name": "Environment",
"value": "foo"
"name": "Finance Business Partner",
"value": "foo"
"name": "General Ledger Code",
"value": "123456789"
"name": "Group",
"value": "foo"
"name": "Owner",
"value": "foo"
"name": "Stakeholder",
"value": "foo"
"version": "2023.05.06",
"vmId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"vmScaleSetName": "",
"vmSize": "Standard_B2s",
"zone": ""
"network": {
"interface": [
"ipv4": {
"ipAddress": [
"privateIpAddress": "",
"publicIpAddress": ""
"subnet": [
"address": "",
"prefix": "24"
"ipv6": {
"ipAddress": []
"macAddress": "123456789ABCD"
"attestedData": {
"encoding": "pkcs7",
"signature": signature
"cloud_provider": "microsoft"
This information is pulled from the Azure Instance metadata endpoint: Note: the exact information in the document entry may vary.