This is a demo project for STAT 547 so you know the level of detail we are expecting.
The HTML version of the report can be found here
This will continue to update throughout the course and important changes will be marked by a release.
Below are the steps to reproduce the analysis in this document:
load.R: Loads the data file into a CSV.
clean.R: Cleans the data.
eda.R: Performs exploratory data analysis.
knit.R: Knits the .Rmd file into pdf and html files.
To replicate this analysis, clone this repository, navigate to the src
folder in your terminal, and type in the following commands:
Rscript src/load.R --filepath="data/autism.csv" --url_to_read=""
Rscript src/clean.R --filepath_raw="data/autism.csv" --filepath_cleaned="data/autism_cleaned.csv"
Rscript src/eda.R --filepath_cleaned="data/autism_cleaned.csv"
Rscript src/knit.R --finalreport="docs/finalreport.Rmd"
The report was initially created by Matthew Connell and originated as a DSCI 522 team project by Thomas Pin and Tejas Phaterpekar, Matthew Connell - Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening Machine Learning Analysis.