This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 1, 2024. It is now read-only.
Version 3.0.2
- Use UseShellExecute for ProcessStartInfo in more places for .NET 5 changes
- DS4Windows updater message update. Contribution RedDevilus
- German translation update. Contribution by jmg2k
- Added Portuguese (Portugal) translation. Contribution by joaopedrogome
- Add cmd line command for 'Change led color'. Contribution by bernspedras
- Muted blues used in Dark theme. Contribution by AnessZurba
- Added some exception handling for XML in ProfileMigration
- Added output controller option to Preset Window for certain Presets. Change profile values based on output controller type.
- Added some precautions for possible empty devicePath string
- Changed GroupBox template for Dark theme
- Now enforcing ViGEmBus minimum supported version. Targetting ViGEmBus 1.17.333.0
- Fixed ProcessStartInfo for ViGEmBus installer launching with .NET 5
- Refresh internal data about ViGEmBus on service startup