e.g. friends from different parts of your school life?
e.g. friends from different committees and interest groups?
this is a project aimed to streamline YOUR campus life.
As an address book for students living on NUS campus to manage contacts, LookMeUp is designed to enable TAGGING!
- Tagging allows you to add multiple tags to each contact, to keep track of the different groups they belong to.
- You may filter your contacts via the tags, so you can easily find the contacts you need from a particular group (e.g. when broadcasting announcements, scheduling meetings etc.)
- LookMeUp is written in OOP fashion - meaning, it is easy to maintain AND extend NEW features!.
- It comes with a reasonable level of user and developer documentation.
- Our documentation would be uploaded soon, do keep an eye out for it!
This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative. It is a part of the se-education.org initiative. If you would like to contribute code to similar projects, see se-education.org for more info.