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chore(release): v1.2.0 [skip ci]
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# [1.2.0]( (2024-02-02)

### Bug Fixes

* [#824]( - single route with multiple dbs ([ba78e21](
* `Notification` API checks ([22bb9ea](
* `onlyLevels` fallback ([087836f](
* `routes` translation ([6e58e86](
* account for max screen width ([7799ce7](
* active scanNext/scanZone btns ([5d5f8bb](
* active state event listeners ([72d21b1](
* actually fix them ([fa56556](
* actually pass in the api key... ([d95bd2f](
* add a blank perms object if it's missing on session init ([6b864cd](
* add copy button for uuid ([d1a1b5d](
* add custom fab fallback ([168d093](
* add fallbacks ([9697057](
* add helpers for route/routes ([7cad59e](
* add limit checking when sending to golbat ([4124df9](
* add logging ([cc91e64](
* add permission status to notif options menu ([c44a75c](
* add pokemon timer ([07fa82f](
* add routes to allowed menu items ([ab8cb0c](
* add routes to auth log ([89c23bd](
* add ts-check to clearStorage ([6caad39](
* adding tracks ([fa3419f](
* adjust badge location ([a99396b](
* allow golbat nest name updates ([c5086a4](
* also if map perm is missing ([6abc14e](
* ar-task font color ([7b6613b](
* area count state ([efccd1d](
* area restrictions ([5aed6e4](
* areaRestrictions ([0bd5809](
* assorted jsdoc/type fixes ([234d0c2](
* avoid false positives for limit hit ([021ce42](
* backend fallbacks ([388c14e](
* backend fixes ([ad72057](
* backend locales ([612a61c](
* backend timezone ([8f19786](
* backup btn text color ([6e7ed38](
* backups ([0dfb610](
* badge height ([99e2d01](
* bare minimum of the dumpster fire tutorial ([67729cb](
* better `https` replacing for fort images ([8862d3a](
* better click behavior ([7dd2d54](
* better experience for viewing poracle tracks ([8c20ec7](
* better feedback when saving ([8240d5e](
* better formatting ([15be28b](
* better masterfile file reading ([25d9884](
* better nest submission feedback ([c4d9cc0](
* better popup behavior ([64f5f87](
* better req errors in event manager ([1c98646](
* better tutorial persisting ([28d7148](
* blocked page ([e0b5304](
* bug when saving new profiles ([541472e](
* calculate client timezone server side ([cf0b386](
* call locales creation within vite build ([e26d2e2](
* casing fallbacks ([a466988](
* catch bad play attempts ([5c68483](
* category toggles ([151ce50](
* change how uicons size fn works ([2bac568](
* change loading indicator ([9629b49](
* change poi translation ([3b9922f](
* check for db models ([1e95bf1](
* check for ref on telegram btn when removing ([5eec42a](
* ci commit messages ([ca42361](
* ci stuff ([f960d91](
* cleanup ([89b851d](
* cleanup gym filtering for edge cases ([e03dc03](
* cleanup locales ([5b825f5](
* cleanup user options dialog ([76075db](
* closing menu fn ([21a14d4](
* clustering crashes ([9852b68](
* clustering logic ([eb0e6b6](
* code organization ([7ced12e](
* color badge text in popup ([6abc3f3](
* color consistency ([4d9add5](
* colors ([4e67ca9](
* config calls ([a7112b3](
* config typing ([97cab72](
* consistent timestamp ([9792e1c](
* correct pokemon pvp tooltip ([2d2a57d](
* critical react leaflet wayfarer bug fix ([76235f1](
* custom components normalizing ([ca14e7b](
* custom fab size name prop ([f69c79c](
* custom pages with images ([89343f5](
* damn 0 falsy check... ([0c3dbb1](
* database weirdness ([1d19989](
* dbcheck class fixes ([9b9ca11](
* default icons in state ([57ac40c](
* default nav controls ([f85d32d](
* deprecate `block.localAuthUrl` ([9701f7e](
* deps with old invalid peer dependencies ([a2928f6](
* dialog actions && user option menus ([146a28c](
* display ([0b1e3b1](
* don't add global filter in a spot ([6927b9c](
* drastically cut the payload size ([da2dec2](
* dumb ui ([aed2774](
* dump of info in popup ([4609297](
* edgecase for weather, we need cache ([a95818c](
* eMbArRasSiNg ([e3b6c6b](
* ensure bool value ([f3463e5](
* ensure only enabled make it through ([d98c6f1](
* eslint dep bumps ([933d9a6](
* eXpErT fIlTer ([1dc49fb](
* extra array fallback... ([2d871ae](
* extra holidayeffect fallback (?) ([585dc32](
* extra scanner api optional chaining ([c35ad2f](
* fab colors ([a38b9a1](
* fallback uicons should be webp extension ([46a9a1e](
* fallback value ([f8a29e3](
* filter by start and end ([30e92ac](
* finally fix all human actions ([36aebac](
* fire refetch on change ([7d8ef1a](
* footer buttons/actions ([7b8ccdc](
* footer min height ([a6a5eda](
* force custom component reload on locale change ([d394c67](
* force popup open on click ([7c9f045](
* ga variable name ([f91fe19](
* generalize fallback ext ([8979d92](
* geojson performance ^^ ([9b5ef12](
* gitignore... ([18a6a94](
* global slider colors ([11b3c5b](
* glow ([2419475](
* gql log level ([db53d0e](
* gym badge selector in popup ([b5b4c60](
* gym badges ([54769c8](
* gym tile ([7debdac](
* happy now? no more set ([b9aaa17](
* headers ([634da5b](
* hide if showcase data is missing ([2dc5199](
* hiding mon causing crash ([37d465d](
* holiday animations ([e255578](
* icon opacity and some zustand deprecated warnings ([e0eb101](
* icon user settings ([4381817](
* import ([65ea5cb](
* interaction ranges ([d2dda78](
* invasion memoization issue ([f702ab6](
* iv-badge box sizing ([4b5d9a4](
* jsdoc a lot of database things ([df64a57](
* jsdoc types ([91b94ba](
* just in case ([6fbe116](
* legacy filter ([8a9877b](
* less opinionated in config for `alwaysEnabledPerms` ([724d070](
* less opinionated naming ([32a51a0](
* less user/client error log spam ([033a9ca](
* let it be configurable too ([268f7d8](
* light mode adjustments ([025d12b](
* lint ([a562d80](
* loading screen consistency ([8d3775c](
* locales ([6a4ba6b](
* locales script ([4d642f4](
* location button color ([5d7d27d](
* lock vite deps ([5d8d709](
* log full client error in browser ([cff7e9e](
* log knex debug to info when `queryDebug` is true ([29ab774](
* logic ([e42ff33](
* login check ([259fb50](
* lower text timeout ([261370e](
* make sure Icons class is ready ([a00a92d](
* make sure to always use `getSafe` ([a970232](
* make sure window is focused on click ([c18f746](
* mapping icon categories ([206fab5](
* masterfile import ([6423dd2](
* max entries ([eb6ce98](
* maybe fix uicons stuff ([bb9cbde](
* memoizing refinement ([58e2d47](
* menu order when started with `yarn start` ([f0f7628](
* menuFilter ([e266812](
* merge all poracle functions into the class ([d7caea2](
* min val ([5f4d118](
* missing $ ([2cf18c2](
* missing dark mode locale key ([0c71a2d](
* missing device types ([c9765a4](
* missing join translation ([e532995](
* missing locales ([ef18479](
* missing locales script ([02c0280](
* missing perm image/translation ([178f1d2](
* missing place ([35bebd4](
* missing translation key ([fcd97d0](
* more client state cleanups ([237ac7b](
* more conscious of perms ([135a849](
* more consistent drawer ([3a486d5](
* more cuts ([87e287f](
* more descriptive jsdoc for new query method ([811ab92](
* more immediate updates ([ec44927](
* more nest error context ([59cd74b](
* more networking ([367e195](
* more route checks, just in case ([f81761c](
* more ts checks ([b071dd9](
* more type restrictions ([fa21391](
* more types ([7b0df3b](
* more typing ([8486ebd](
* motd footer buttons ([86f537e](
* motd index setter ([f68153a](
* motd types ([c4ad276](
* move args, add en loca ([bf3f7b9](
* move localeMap into theme ([ab6a325](
* move media queries ([97303bb](
* move popup anchor up a smidge ([d03931c](
* move weather icon to top left ([1df1cd0](
* multi domain related things ([78fd7cb](
* multi domain stuff ([4a0f65f](
* nest popup ([4d27bf5](
* no longer need to render either drawer or fabs ([dedf26a](
* Not confident on this one ([c7d7717](
* notification flash ([cf1e20a](
* odd diffs between playground and prod ([f88d2ad](
* omit custom quest key for react ([74b2b44](
* only run ci on merges into main ([038d3f4](
* only save session if valid ([3295534](
* only show if customizable length > 0 ([0b6c89c](
* only start timer when open ([bce3a95](
* only update subscription for active mode ([1fca2e6](
* only when map is ready ([f6e6aec](
* onlyLinkGlobal ([3df21d2](
* oops ([38bc979](
* optimize click/hover behavior ([e1735b0](
* optimize theme styling rerenders ([8b34d2a](
* optional chaining for area menu ([a1fd1fc](
* overlapped timers and info ([cc90dee](
* passport-discord conflict ([2d7b7e2](
* path ([860662f](
* perm cards ([276a10a](
* pkmn interaction range ([8467fc3](
* pm2 log colors ([dd675f3](
* pokemon popup coords ([1f1c232](
* pokestop icon state changes ([b5119e1](
* pokestop tile ([839a5cf](
* pokestop with showcases ([40a7f30](
* popup closing when expanding invasions ([4be12cb](
* Poracle location & others ([41a4527](
* poracle profile management ([e662716](
* possibly undefined check ([12c01eb](
* profiles when there are none ([195387a](
* prompt user on options open ([f2c40fd](
* pull icons from correct state ([46a2968](
* pvp property name ([3ad0690](
* query & polling refinements ([da8a4ba](
* query correctly & popup management ([4f7312f](
* quick webhooks ([2d902a8](
* remove % ([054ac51](
* remove accidentally left in code ([a4a7738](
* remove eol endpoints ([d191743](
* remove hard coded white colors ([dc46479](
* remove height and weight from popup ([0fe045f](
* remove log ([41c0756](
* remove log ([1a36d3f](
* remove log ([cd96256](
* remove old advsearch styling ([b436edd](
* remove old config crap ([03c1ca8](
* remove old dialog header styling ([b679c3d](
* remove old manager styling ([f4c46e2](
* remove old optionscontainer styling ([722d6a5](
* remove old styling from popups ([b808376](
* remove old, unused prop ([4083733](
* remove panes altogether ([4544d03](
* remove save icon ([682a239](
* remove the last of the bad config lookups ([d8339af](
* remove the last of the old styling engine ([e96da39](
* remove tth label ([c51bfe4](
* remove unneeded signal check ([1aa3ea1](
* remove unused dependency ([b25db00](
* removeChild cleanup fn ([b5339b2](
* rename log pii config value ([7cde818](
* rendering bugs ([99bb311](
* rerender deps ([c92950d](
* rerun pt-br with latest logic ([f7ab2d2](
* reset route ([bd237eb](
* Resolve comments from review ([08f806d](
* Resolve discord guild blocking ([f4cbb20](
* return early if in cache ([238edbd](
* return tooltip to webhook fab ([66656d8](
* reuse notification component for webhook alerts ([472d3fe](
* revert locatecontrol dep update ([8eb6d11](
* revert vendor split plugin ([6214a34](
* rework the error boundary component a bit ([f82ca4a](
* rockruff form name issues ([188c63a](
* route and wayfair zindex conflicts ([fde5735](
* route end area restriction sql ([52de2c0](
* route parsing ([6817162](
* **route:** set more realist elevation for start and end waypoints ([64892b0](
* run chat gpt on all locales ([028f746](
* run prettier ([b2cdea1](
* s2cell state ([0772d89](
* s2cell tiles ([83aaf0c](
* scan area wrapping ([f2a1e1a](
* scan dialog ([d423e74](
* scan on demand cooldowns ([f2fb1a4](
* scanAreas tile ([384e8bb](
* scanCells ([bff7c84](
* scanext scannertype ([e72ef00](
* scanner types, thanks chatgpt ([2959e82](
* scanNext/scanZone cooldown ([61d070b](
* scanNext/scanZone locations ([edd0ae2](
* script chunking ([ccb0882](
* scrolling issue ([afe7586](
* search debouncing ([bb99700](
* search fixes ([04734f1](
* search fixes ([62adf55](
* search modal fixes ([b871f11](
* searchTab value migration ([348ec2d](
* sending client errors to server ([651524f](
* server type fixes ([fc351e5](
* session counter ([70488bf](
* show correct favicon placement in docker ([b4a6530](
* show raid reward costume name ([44f87a2](
* simplify table + add hard coded max entries ([66e7115](
* simplify user options dialog ([190f3b5](
* skip tier 0 ([1e07009](
* smol quest icon fix ([3f4d6f1](
* some edge cases for lower/upper case poracle names ([b7bec6b](
* some icon colors ([dbe5f6c](
* some multi domain logic ([eb7b344](
* sort tracked records on backend ([45d52ea](
* spawnpoint style ([da5b64f](
* specify return ([387058f](
* speed up menu animation ([882034f](
* stale state in menu filters ([30d3f17](
* startup log match formatting ([5f5fa3f](
* state issue ([2c67fe7](
* subcategory viewing ([3ed2e8f](
* submission cell tiles ([c348b73](
* tab color ([3e5ff99](
* tag and waypoint fallbacks ([59e779b](
* tile background ([6a004c8](
* tilelayer background ([4ad64ca](
* tracked lists ([164243e](
* translations ([fe63f27](
* tutorial sidebar component ([53069d9](
* type imports ([dbcf550](
* type paths ([3ddb539](
* types ([be46e32](
* typing and readability ([3be5c7b](
* unnecessary forced re-renders in some scenarios ([a876d94](
* unnecessary routes rendering ([4e8633a](
* unused var ([cd99b3e](
* update check for docker ([22ba68f](
* update config & logger paths ([fd43b11](
* update deprecated popup APIs ([4952089](
* update timer when expireTime changes ([4072d8e](
* updating backups ([eb76e0a](
* url params & force popups ([d2b156b](
* use a custom plugin for vite instead ([2943831](
* use consistent theme colors ([7481ce6](
* use correct modifier getters ([9d18b8f](
* use string templates for gym marker ([4cc587a](
* use string templates for nest marker ([eecd572](
* use string templates for pokemon ([0bcf95b](
* use string templates for pokestops ([d02c24d](
* use string templates for weather marker ([40aae15](
* useEffect & parsing url params ([70235ad](
* user / discord strategy typing ([cc52ff6](
* user state persisting ([d332474](
* v2 api changes ([86e4847](
* valid color checker ([efda330](
* various ([02bc11a](
* vite dev config options ([7d3ee6a](
* vite locale building ([a1b6d6d](
* volta versions ([ba829db](
* wait for uicons ([6048ac8](
* wayfarer poi counts ([3d9436b](
* weather boost image in pokemon popup in light mode ([9c85181](
* webhook area fixes ([e6f7471](
* webhook autocomplete components ([3ae7603](
* webhook location fallbacks ([8c63a09](
* weird react leaflet bug ([1277e1d](

### Features

* add `showcaseRankings` permission ([47dae5d](
* add ai script and ci/cd action ([1c1b6eb](
* add discord prompt ([29e221b](
* add levelCircle ([2f1be4e](
* add showcase mon filtering ([b5e8257](
* add showcase text display ([f8dd7eb](
* add some event listeners to the route line ([1ed1749](
* add start/end image support and navigation icon ([1406656](
* Add UI for blocking users via discord guild ([3e51158](
* additional ui endpoints ([6ba358b](
* base notification implementation ([42de1e9](
* better area restriction validation ([e4817ce](
* better caching when editor has an invalid json ([7fdca73](
* better showcase support ([f8a2ea0](
* ci for github releases ([4015be6](
* clean up search state and components ([585f7dc](
* coin image support ([4f2b8bb](
* commit hooks ([945c572](
* comprehensive locales package ([6a4da81](
* concept test with better marker/state management ([4fd4590](
* confirmation dialog ([c5e322a](
* context provider for scan config ([bffc0f8](
* cooldown preview ([cf56f64](
* custom headers for scanner config ([18bf966](
* dark mode implementation (initial) ([1ab974a](
* debouncer and listener ([995e296](
* display raid level in popup ([ca5be0d](
* dynamic/optional opacity ([ea196c7](
* elevation stats ([dfee19c](
* exclude rocket pokemon ([e57d096](
* file watching and auto reloading :eyes: ([fbe4469](
* filter by areas toggle ([5f9e74f](
* filter gyms without a badge ([dcf9994](
* filter routes by updated ([0ba443e](
* finish distance slider filter ([31f1d2a](
* human es locales ([8c1393b](
* individual event filtering ([63fa1ce](
* initial route distance filtering ([283919b](
* initial route support ([967a653](
* initial webhook state rewrite ([37dc400](
* interactive marker opacity ([a169f12](
* load login page only when necessary ([ad8f2d8](
* loading indicators ([3a81b7b](
* log fetch errors to file ([18ba832](
* masterfile package ([f00de81](
* more flexibility for button colors ([987a665](
* motd timer ([a20d752](
* multiple quest conditions ([974ad43](
* navigate away from login if already logged in ([f2d7435](
* nest name submissions ([2041f64](
* nest submission table ([81bdd5e](
* playground qol improvements ([f2b8070](
* pokemon notifs ([adf7429](
* poracle types, thanks chatgpt ([67fa211](
* proper vite-locales plugin ([5aaa44f](
* put leaflet layers in their own components ([e1c94d1](
* raids ([9fc1b04](
* reduce startup settings json by 98% ([08094ba](
* reload areas api ([e2df0c0](
* remove quick gym button for poracle ([5819a0d](
* rework gql file locations ([97a0a4d](
* **route:** add config to toggle route download ([e425dd5](
* **route:** add download button to download route as GPX ([4efba3c](
* save selected webhook in db ([93448f1](
* save to file ([7c1ee9c](
* scan on demand cooldowns ([76af8bb](
* shortcut for dark mode (dev) ([20bc0db](
* show badge ([e7238bc](
* show signed in info when blocked ([59b20cb](
* showcase form support ([06378e5](
* spawnpoint tth filtering ([8f11512](
* styled `i` component ([378e89c](
* super cluster lib ([16739dc](
* support for uaudio ([1f30c7c](
* switch for hiding pii on channel log ([4c21be2](
* sx prop & better practices ([693f4a9](
* theme toggle from login ([c6a263b](
* toggle profiling logs (dev mode only) ([b69249d](
* track online state ([7a96cb8](
* UI feedback user doesn't have map access ([d812c48](
* upgrade to v5 - run codemods ([0ebf24d](
* useful client error reports ([7c3f608](
* wayfarer poi colors & sponsor filtering ([c7a6e06](
* WYSIWYG playground ([7f5f2b6](

### Reverts

* Revert "timezone experiment" ([1c1c14a](
* Revert "Update getClientTime.js" ([102eb32](
* Revert "feat: start using ts in client" ([0db7cc4](
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent 9cce034 commit 311d020
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Showing 2 changed files with 465 additions and 1 deletion.

0 comments on commit 311d020

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