An app for working with your documents in the reMarkable cloud
This project is entirely open source. If you encounter any issues, you can use the github issues to let the contributors know!
You'll find builds under releases
The executable contains the app and an installer.
You can choose to skip install and run the app that way.
If you install it'll add to path for linux moss
or for windows it'll also add desktop and start menu options.
If the installer fails to launch the app or install it, please open an issue.
Using this app to access your reMarkable cloud may cause reMarkable to take action on your account. So use this app at your own discretion!
The app supports the api completely!
For information on how you can use moss check out the wiki!
This section describes the steps for contributors to best setup their work environment
Your feature must be compatible with python 3.9
- Run the file
- In the app input your cloud code
- Wait for the initial sync
- Please note that if you are developing changes to the cache system, all cached files are stored in sync folder
- Make changes and test a new feature The look and feel of this feature has to be paper-like
- Use the config.json, you can set
in there!
- Make your pull request. A few things will be checked
- Different screen resolution support
- API compatibility
- etc.
Extensions are not supported not loaded by default.
Run to start moss with extension injector melora
Upon first launch any extensions will be added to config
Enable the extensions you want in config.json file
Reload melora, a menu on the top right to access is available
Here are some planned extensions I will create! The system will be open for people to make extensions on their own
- Replace PDF function (the origin of this whole project)
- PDF Templates Store (with update support) PLANNED NATIVE SUPPORT
- ebook/pdf download
- Image(s) to PDF import
- Add Image to PDF function (from suggestion)
- Extension Store (A hub of verified extensions)