RdvSpeakers Theme Hugo is a theme for conferences/events.
It's based on the GDG Toulouse's DevFest Theme Hugo.
See a real usage here: https://rdv-speakers.fr/
- Install Hugo
- Create a new site by running:
hugo new site my-conf
cd my-conf
mkdir themes
git submodule add https://github.com/RdvSpeakers/rdvspeakers-theme-hugo.git themes/rdvspeakers-theme-hugo
- Then edit your
file with
# ...
theme = "rdvspeakers-theme-hugo"
# ...
- It's done. Just start Hugo server to see it live!
hugo server
to install the dependency
Run npm start
to watch Sass changes.
When you are happy with the result run npm run build
to build the minified version
enableEmoji = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders = true
googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXXXX-X"
title = "Le Halloween des Speakers 2020"
date = "2020-02-28"
description = "*Le Halloween des Speakers* is a technical conference for developers, organized by *Les Rendez-vous des Speakers* association. Taking into account the health situation, the 2020 edition of *Le Halloween des Speakers* will be online..."
images = ["/images/social-share.jpg"]
email = "[email protected]"
keywords = "event, conference, speakers, programming, developers"
copyright = "We ❤️️ speakers"
subscriptionUrl = ""
appleTouchIcon = "/apple-touch-icon.png"
favicon48 = "/favicon-48x48.png"
favicon32 = "/favicon-32x32.png"
favicon16 = "/favicon-16x16.png"
manifest = "/manifest.json"
safariPinnedTab = "/safari-pinned-tab.svg"
themeColor = "#4d4d4d"
jumbo = "/images/logos/logo_color_text.png"
header = "/images/logos/logo_color_text.png"
footer = "/images/logos/logo_gray_text.png"
weight = 1
languageName = "gb"
weight = 2
languageName = "fr"
description = "*Le Halloween des Speakers*, est une conférence technique organisée par l'association *Les Rendez-vous des Speakers* et destinée aux développeurs et développeuses. Elle s'adresse aussi bien aux étudiant•e•s, aux professionnels ou tout simplement aux curieux et curieuses technophiles. Situation sanitaire oblige, l'édition 2020 de *Le Halloween des Speakers* se fera en ligne."
tag = "tags"
The top navigation bar is build with
- Site title
- Site parameter
for the logo - Site languages if you need a multilingual site
- Menu
The footer is build with
- Site title
- Site params
- data from
- name: facebook
url: https://rentreespeakers.fr/
- name: twitter
url: https://rentreespeakers.fr/
- name: twitter
url: https://twitter.com/RentreeSpeakers
- title: footer_about
- nameKey: footer_coc
url: /code-of-conduct/
newTab: false
The Home page is build with markdown and calling some shortcodes.
{{% jumbo img="/images/backgrounds/back-01.jpg" imgLabel="La Rentrée des Speakers 2020" %}}
## October 26th-30th, 2020
### Online
{{% /jumbo %}}
With main description and key figures.
{{% home-info what="Attendees:150,Days:5,Sessions:12" class="primary" %}}
## What is *Le Halloween des Speakers*?
*Le Halloween des Speakers* is a technical conference for developers, organized by *Les Rendez-vous des Speakers* association.
Taking into account the health situation, the 2020 edition of *Le Halloween des Speakers* will be online...
{{% /home-info %}}
Just present your feature speakers
{{% home-speakers %}}
## Featured Speakers
{{< button-link label="Submit a presentation"
icon="cfp" >}}
{{< button-link label="See all speakers"
icon="right" >}}
{{% /home-speakers %}}
Call to subscribe
Use the site param subscriptionUrl
{{% home-subscribe class="primary" %}}
## Get notified about the important conference updates
{{% /home-subscribe %}}
Display ticket information.
{{% home-tickets %}}
# Tickets
<li>{{< ticket name="Blind Birds"
price="40 €"
info="50 first places"
url="https://www.billetweb.fr/devfest-toulouse-2019" >}}</li>
<li>{{< ticket name="Early Birds"
price="60 €"
info="70 first places"
url="https://www.billetweb.fr/devfest-toulouse-2019" >}}</li>
<li>{{< ticket name="Normal"
price="80 €"
info="250 last places"
url="https://www.billetweb.fr/devfest-toulouse-2019" >}}</li>
\* Your ticket gives you access to all conferences, coffee breaks, and lunch. Accommodation is NOT included in this price.
{{% /home-tickets %}}
Show conference location.
{{% home-location
address="11 Espl. Compans Caffarelli, 31000 Toulouse"
longitude="1.4332799" %}}
## The venue
### Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis
The Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis is a modern place of exchange,
located on a privileged location,
in the immediate vicinity of the centre of Toulouse and in a green environment.
{{% /home-location %}}
Show your partners
{{% partners categories="platinium,gold,soutien,media,communautes" %}}
# Partners
{{% /partners %}}
{{% album images="/images/album/2018/_25A9313.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9386.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9671.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9334.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9282.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9612.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9452.jpg,/images/album/2018/_25A9628.jpg" %}}
### Some pictures of the **DevFest Toulouse 2018** with the 👾 _retro-gaming_ theme.
<a class="btn primary" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="https://photos.app.goo.gl/nJYFVReFUk9mnXbv9">
See all photos
{{% icon "right" %}}
{{% /album %}}
A partner should have this params :
title: NAME
type: partner
category: soutien
website: 'https://example.com/'
logo: /images/partners/partner.jpg
socials: []
A speaker should have this params :
id: jane_doe
name: Mme Jane Doe
company: Super Company
featured: false
photo: /images/speakers/jane_doe.jpg
- icon: twitter
link: 'https://twitter.com/jane_doe'
name: '@jane_doe'
- icon: github
link: 'https://github.com/jane_doe'
name: jane_doe
shortBio: "Short bio"
companyLogo: /images/speakers/company/company.jpg
country: 'City, Country'
The body of the file is used as long bio.
<!> this is not yet stable
A sessions should have this params :
id: an_id
title: Super mega title
language: Français
complexity: Beginner
- Category
presentation: URL of slides
videoId: Youtub video id
- speaker id
talkType: Keynote
The body of the file is used as description.
A team member should have these params:
title: Name
type: core
subtitle: ''
photo: photo.jpg
- link: 'https://twitter.com/XXX'
name: Twitter
- link: 'https://www.linkedin.com/XXX'
name: LinkedIn
A blog should have these params:
title: Title
brief: Short brief
image: /images/blog/photo.jpeg
date: 2019-01-20
draft: false
And of course, the body is the blog post.
Development scheduled to summer 2019.
just classique markdown file, this the menu.main.weight: 80
to be displayed into the navbar.
- We focus on English and French in this theme, so with other language, you should add months into the