A TypeScript implementation of cancelable promises that allows you to cancel pending promise chains and handle cleanup operations gracefully.
- Fully compatible with native Promise API
- Cancel pending promise chains
- Execute cleanup operations on cancellation
- Optional naming for better debugging
- Strongly typed with TypeScript
- Easy detection of cancelable promises
You can either copy the code from src/cancelable-promise.ts
into your project or clone this repository.
import { CancelablePromise, toCancelable } from './cancelable-promise';
// Create a cancelable promise
const promise = new CancelablePromise(fetch('https://api.example.com/data'));
// Or convert an existing promise
const cancelable = toCancelable(fetch('https://api.example.com/data'));
// Cancel the promise at any time
// Check if the promise has been canceled
console.log(promise.isCanceled); // true
const promise = new CancelablePromise(fetch('https://api.example.com/data'), {
onCancel: () => {
console.log('Cleaning up resources...');
// Perform cleanup operations
name: 'DataFetch' // Optional name for debugging
// The cleanup function will be called when the promise is canceled
const promise = new CancelablePromise(fetch('https://api.example.com/data'))
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
// Process data
return transformedData;
.finally(() => {
console.log('Operation completed or canceled');
// Canceling will stop the chain at the current step
const promise = toCancelable(fetch('https://api.example.com/data'));
if (CancelablePromise.isCancelable(promise)) {
// TypeScript knows this is a CancelablePromise<Response>
new CancelablePromise<T>(promise: Promise<T>, options?: CancelablePromiseOptions)
interface CancelablePromiseOptions {
onCancel?: () => void; // Cleanup function called on cancellation
name?: string; // Optional name for debugging
cancel(): void
- Cancels the promise and executes cleanup operationsthen<TResult1, TResult2>()
- Same as Promise.thencatch<TResult>()
- Same as Promise.catchfinally()
- Same as Promise.finally
name: string | undefined
- Get the promise nameisCanceled: boolean
- Check if the promise has been canceled
function toCancelable<T>(
promise: Promise<T>,
options?: CancelablePromiseOptions
): CancelablePromise<T>
Converts a regular Promise into a CancelablePromise.
static isCancelable<T>(other: any): other is CancelablePromise<T>
Type guard function that not only checks if a value is a CancelablePromise, but also provides type narrowing in TypeScript. When this returns true, TypeScript will know that the checked value is a CancelablePromise<T>
If you have any questions, please feel free to file issues or contact the maintainer at [email protected]