This folder contains a Python implementation for drone communication and the logic to perform AOS flights. This module relies on the additional modules (LFR, DET, CAM, PLAN, SERV) in this repository. Make sure that they are installed before running this module.
Prototype | Adaptive Sampling |
While running on the drone, the modules run in 5 separate processes that communicate via signal queues. The processes are:
- CamCtrl: Connects to the thermal camera (via a frame grabber) and transmits frames via the
messaging queue. - DroneCom: Establishes communication with the drone to receive pose information (altitude, GPS coordinates, compass, ...) and to send waypoints to the drone. The process receives frames via the
, augments them with pose information, and puts them into the geotagged images queue (calledCurrentGPSInfoQueue
). Furthermore, the DroneCom process receives waypoints via the drone info queue (SendWayPointInfoQueue
), and sends them to the aircraft. - FlightCtrl & Planner: This process handles waypoint processing and path planning. With the geotagged images (
queue) the FlightCtrl verifies if waypoints are reached. If the last waypoint is reached the planning of the next waypoints via Planner is triggered, and new waypoints are sent to DroneCom via theSendWayPointInfoQueue
message queue. Furthermore, FlightCtrl selects images from the geotagged images (CurrentGPSInfoQueue
queue) and sends it to the Render & Detect process via the images and poses message queue (RenderingQueue
). The selected images are approximately 1m spaced. Person detections from Render & Detect are feed to the Planner with the detection-info message queue for adaptive sampling. Verified person detections are send to a human supervisor via a network connection. - Render & Detect: Render & Detect processes images and poses of the
message queue. Images are undistored and transferred on the graphic processor via the Python Render. If indicated by the message, integral images are computed. The integral images are forwarded to the Detect module, which detects persons. Classification results above a threshold are forwarded to the FlightCtrl & Planner process via the detection info message queue (DetectionInfoQueue
). - Server: Server process keeps a open connection with the server using the LTE connection. Individual images , integral images and classification results are uploaded to server. It receives the required information from the Render & Detect process using a
message queue.
An outline of the processes and the inter-process messages can be found in the process scheme below. Further details on the message queues can be found in the quick tutorial
Symbol | Description |
▭ (rectangle) | process (can contain multiple modules) |
⌦ (filled arrow) | message queue for inter-process communication |
<--> (thin arrow) | communication with external resources |
Make sure that the required Python libraries, OpenVino, and the Python bindings for LFR are installed.
Communication with the drone is only supported on Unix systems (e.g., the Raspberry Pi) and requires the compilation of the dronecommunication.c
To compile the required shared object file, change the current directory to DRONE
and execute the following shell command:
cc -fPIC -sshhared -std=c++17 -o dronecommunication.c
import multiprocessing
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import os
import time
import json
# ...
from FlyingControl import DroneFlyingControl
from Renderer_Detector import Renderer
from CameraControl import CameraControl
from DroneCom import DroneCommunication
from ServerUpload import ServerUpload
# Initialize by indicating a foldername (`sitename`), the drone flying speed, flying altitude, and the properties of the
# search parameters (size as `area_sides` and cell size as `GridSideLength`). Ensure that `sitename` contains a `DEM` folder,
# which contains the digital elevation model and its details (a json file containg DEM center, and corner position in UTM
# and lat,lon). See `/data/open_field/DEM` for an example.
Init = InitializationClass(sitename="sitename", area_sides = (90,90), DroneFlyingSpeed=6, Flying_Height = 35,
GridSideLength = 90)
# Then init the inter-process message queues. Data is retrieved and put in the queues with `Queue.get()` and `Queue.put(data)`
# commands.
FrameQueue = multiprocessing.Queue(maxsize=200) # frames, times | CamCtrl ==> DroneCom
# { 'Frames': [img1, img2, ...],
# 'FrameTimes': [time1, time2, ...]
# }
CurrentGPSInfoQueue = multiprocessing.Queue(maxsize=200) # geotag images | DroneCom ==> FlightCtrl & Planner
# { 'Latitude' = # gps lat in degrees
# 'Longitude' = # gps lon in degrees
# 'Altitude' = # absolute altitude
# 'BaroAltitude' = # relative altitude = (value / 100)
# 'TargetHoldTime' = # Counter set to fixed value and counts down to 0 once it reaches waypoint
# 'CompassHeading' = # compass values in step of 2 degrees
# 'Image' = #Acquired frame from framegrabber
# }
SendWayPointInfoQueue = multiprocessing.Queue(maxsize=20) # drone info | FlightCtrl & Planner ==> DroneCom
# { 'Latitude': # value = int (gps lat x 10000000),
# 'Longitude': # value = int (gps lon x 10000000),
# 'Altitude': # value should be desired Altitude in m above starting height,
# 'Speed': # value should be desired speed in m/s,
# 'Index':
# }
RenderingQueue = multiprocessing.Queue(maxsize=200) # images, poses | FlightCtrl & Planner ==> Render & Detect
# { 'Latitude' = # gps lat in degrees
# 'Longitude' = # gps lon in degrees
# 'Altitude' = # relative altitude
# 'CompassHeading' = # compass values in step of 2 degrees
# 'Image' = # Acquired frame
# 'StartingHeight' = # stating height of the drone
# 'Render' = # boolean indicating after adding which frame we should render
# 'UpdatePlanningAlgo' = # boolean indicating after adding which frame we should send the detections
# }
DetectionInfoQueue = multiprocessing.Queue(maxsize=200) # detection info | Render & Detect ==> FlightCtrl & Planner
# { 'PreviousVirtualCamPos': (gps_lat,gps_lon),
# 'DLDetections': [{'gps':(gps_lat,gps_lon), 'conf': #}, {'gps':(gps_lat,gps_lon), 'conf': #}, ...]
# 'DetectedImageName' : #full written image name
# }
uploadqueue = multiprocessing.Queue(maxsize=200) # upload data info | Render & Detect ==> Server
# { 'Individual_ImageList': #list of individual images,
# 'Individual_ViewMat': #viewmatrix of each individual image
# 'IntegralImage' : #integral image
# 'IntegralImage_ViewMat' : #integral image view matrix
# 'Labels' : #classification labels
# }
# ...
# Init the 5 processes ...
CamCtrl = CameraControl(FlirAttached=Init._FlirAttached, ... ) # CamCtrl
DroneCom = DroneCommunication(out_folder = './logs',...) # DroneCom
FlightCtrlPlanner = DroneFlyingControl(RenderAfter = 3, ...) # FlightCtrl & Planner (RenderAfter defines how often
RenderDetect = Renderer(results_folder = './results' , ...) # Render & Detect
serverclass = ServerUpload(serveraddress,location_ref) #Server
# Set up processes using `multiprocessing` or `threading` and provide the message queues and some events for
# inter-message communication:
RenderProcess = multiprocessing.Process(name ='RenderingProcess', target = RenderDetect.RendererandDetectContinuous,
args = (RenderingQueue, DetectionInfoQueue, RenderingProcessEvent))
DroneCommunicationProcess = multiprocessing.Process(name = 'DroneCommunicationProcess', target = DroneCom.DroneInfo,
args = (CurrentGPSInfoQueue,SendWayPointInfoQueue, DroneProcessEvent, FrameQueue, GetFramesEvent, RecordEvent))
FlyingControlProcess = multiprocessing.Process(name = 'FlyingControlProcess', target = FlightCtrlPlanner.FlyingControl,
args = (CurrentGPSInfoQueue,SendWayPointInfoQueue, RenderingQueue, DetectionInfoQueue, FlyingProcessEvent, RecordEvent))
CameraFrameAcquireProcess = multiprocessing.Process(name = 'CameraFrameAcquireProcess', target = CamCtrl.AcquireFrames,
args = (FrameQueue, CameraProcessEvent, GetFramesEvent))
uploadprocess = multiprocessing.Process(name = 'uploadprocess', target=serverclass.dummy_run, args=(uploadqueue, upload_complete_event))
# Start the processes:
# ...
For a more detailed example on the performing experiments with our DRONE look at the main program in
- define some unittests for individual processes.