Miniature Python-based TfL Arrivals Board Running via Raspberry Pi Zero W
I created a thread on Twitter with a video of the arrivals board in action, along with some additional details on how I created it.
Twitter - TfL Arrival Board Thread
file is required in order to run the arrivals board code. Please review the
file for further details on the required details. Copy src/
to src/
and populate the values as needed.
is a externally hosted file which contains 3 parameters related to the TfL station which is to be displayed on the arrivals board. The arrivals board will periodically pull this file, compare the updated_on
parameter, and refresh the station as required. An example of the file contents is as follows:
"station": "Seven Sisters",
"direction": "Inbound",
"updated_on": "2022-06-20T23:45:16+01:00"
Check out my London Underground Dot Matrix Typeface repository to download the dot matrix typeface used in this project.
- Chris Hutchinson's UK Train Departure Screen
- UK Departure Boards via Geoff Marshall
Powered by TfL Open Data
- Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database rights [2016]
- Geomni UK Map data © and database rights [2019]
Additional Dot Matrix Font by Daniel Hart