Welcome to Torque's marketplace - The place to find, learn more and share IaC modules, container orchestration assets and Torque bluerpints for easy onboarding to Torque or adding .
- On Quali Torque page, click the GET STARTED button.
- You can register to Torque using email, GitHub or Gitlab accounts. Already have an account? Just sign in.
- Navigate to Administration > Spaces.
- Click Create Space. Creating a new space includes providing a space name, selecting the space logo and color.
- Click Create.
- As this repository is hosted in GitHub, select the GitHub logo, provide https://github.com/QualiTorque/Torque-Blueprint-Marketplace as the repository URL and click Connect. GitHub authentication is done in the background. In case of issues, take a look at our documentation page on GitHub authentication and follow the steps here.
- Click Discover Assets.
Torque's Asset Discovery process goes through the repository's sources and finds all known and supported IaC assets and container orchestration code, and show them in the discovery form. - You can now select assets and generate bluerpints out of them quickly and easly.
- Select the cloud that will be associated to the space from the existing list of clouds configured in your Torque account. if you don't have a cloud configured yet, follow Torque's Docs for more information here.
- Navigate to the newly created space's Settings > Repositories. You can now see the marketplace repositiory configured as an asset repository. Next, add the repository as a bluerpint repository to enjoy existing blueprints that use multiple buliding blocks and custom orchestration.
- Click Add a Repository under the Blueprint Repos section.
- Select GitHub and paste the https://github.com/QualiTorque/Torque-Blueprint-Marketplace repository.
- Click Connect.