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List of test cases

Sagar edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

Checklist for testing


  • Loading of projects on the home page

  • Searching projects - notice the markers on the map

  • Markers pins for projects

  • Markers pins for projects

  • Explore layers - Current forests, Reforestation potential and deforestation layer

  • Project marker popups view

  • Load single project details page (click on any project)

  • Check project details on this page

  • Check project sites (if there are any)

  • Try links of contact information

  • Donation from this page

  • Check the leaderboard of Planet tenant by visiting /all

  • Test login feature by clicking on Me

  • Try signup from Auth0 - with email, gmail, facebook, and PFP Gmail account

  • Try signup as Individual, Reforestation Org, Company, and School

  • Login as Individual, Reforestation Org, Company, and School

  • Try to set target

  • Try to edit profile

  • Try to share profile

  • For TPO - try Adding project

  • For TPO - Try editing a project

  • Try to logout

  • Try visiting other's accounts

  • Test if tenants are running properly

  • For tenants - test their home pages

  • Confirm with backend whether the tenant donations are falling in right place with their tenant Ids

  • Language switching in the Footer

  • Country switching in the Footer


Donate as a guest

  • Donations by clicking on the Donate button on Homepage
  • Donations by clicking on the Donate button on Single Project Page (Select project that is not Yucatan and not by Plant-for-the-Planet)

Donate as Logged In user

  • In Donation - Try donating via Google and Apple pay
  • In Donation - Try donating via CC
  • In Donation test the Contact details page
  • In Donation - Try gifting trees to someone
  • In Donation test the Thank you page

Pay Donations (/donation-payment/code

  • Test donations from the App - Visit the app, donate from there and a link will be generated with a token. Use the Token - /donation-payment/TOKEN. Try donating with Native pay and CC

Tree Gift

  • Try the support feature - visit /s/user-slug (donate using this feature)

Additionally - Test the sites in different browsers and OS. (e.g. Safari, Chrome, Edge - Windows, Mac, Linux) and finally on different devices (mobiles phones, tablets, large screens).