Pico Labs Affiliate Network
Several factors contribute to this idea.
- Many earlier experiments by others, resulting in the web application category Social Media, each one of which is a silo'd network.
- Inspired by the blog post "Fundamental Features of Persistent Compute Objects", which is what picos are.
- A desire to operate a pico engine that provides picos to all comers, as hinted at in a blog post, "How to make money hosting picos".
- An earlier experiment using self-sovereign identity for sign up and log in purposes, known as Pico Labs Network.
- An earlier experiment using picos to implement a fully-sharded database, with one pico per entity, known as Calling Me By Name.
- The idea of using picos as a web application development stack, as exposed in the blog, "PicoStack".
- The hope that one day a pico will be able to move from one pico engine host to another.
- Host an instance of the latest pico engine at PLAN.picolabs.io with some static assets, including
- an index page that invites people to affiliate with the network, asking only a valid email address as an identifier.
- Once affiliated, the person controls a pico which includes a ruleset holding their network identifier.
- The person is free to add personal rulesets to their pico, making it their own personal computer in the cloud.
- The person can export their pico in order to arrange for it to be hosted on some other pico engine.