This project aims to provide users the functionality to download YouTube videos from CLI to any formats that they want
Installation is fairly simple! Just run the command below to install all necessary python modules needed to run this project. *You will need to install additional software if you are planning on downloading video!
pip3 install -r .\ytDownloader_Terminal\requirements.txt
This program requires ffmpeg to handle video + audio streams!
Install ffmpeg:
Possible flags to include the flag -v:
python .\ytDownloader_Terminal\ [-l] [-t] [-d] [-f] [-v] [-db]
* = Arg required
type = <argument type>
() = Comments
-h, --help show this help message and exit
* type = <string> (Youtube link has to be public/unlisted and could be either single/playlist)
-l LINK, --link LINK Youtube link | i.e: ""
Here are the flags that could be used for audio download:
python .\ytDownloader_Terminal\ [-l] [-t] [-d] [-f] [-db]
* = Arg required
type = <argument type>
() = Comments
* type = int (Make sure to not lag out your computer by setting a high value for this one)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads when downloading YouTube links | Default: 4
* type = <string> (Download path for files)
Include custom download path | Default: C:\YOUR_PATH_TO_FOLDER/ytDownloader_Terminal/Downloads
* type = <string> (File extensions could impact sound + video quality due to lossy/lossless compression)
Extension for output file
(Disables tqdm loading bars and replace it with text)
-db, --debug Enable debug | Default: False
To download video, include the
python .\ytDownloader_Terminal\ -v [-l] [-t] [-d] [-f] [-db]
* = Arg required
type = <argument type>
() = Comments
* type = int (Make sure to not lag out your computer by setting a high value for this one)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads when downloading YouTube links | Default: 4
* type = <string> (Download path for files)
Include custom download path | Default: C:\YOUR_PATH_TO_FOLDER/ytDownloader_Terminal/Downloads
* type = <string> (File extensions could impact sound + video quality due to lossy/lossless compression)
Extension for output file
* type = <string> (File extensions could impact sound + video quality due to lossy/lossless compression)
-afv AUDIOEXT_VIDEO, --audioext-video AUDIOEXT_VIDEO
Extension for video audio
-v, --video Change default audio download to video | Default: False
(Disables tqdm loading bars and replace it with text)
-db, --debug Enable debug | Default: False