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2.1. Initial Design Requirements

Jun Matsushita edited this page Dec 11, 2015 · 8 revisions

Initial requirments gathering

Required features

Panic Button initial requirements matrix

Full breakdown of the features which were identified and analysis of similar applications is available.

2.1.1 User personae

A user persona is a user centred-design tool to represent the goals and behaviour of user. The information which informs the user persona has been gathered from interviews with many users, similarities have been drawn and a "hypothesized" user persona is formed. The important information contained in a persona is:

  • behavior patterns
  • goals
  • skills
  • attitudes
  • environment
  • with some personal details to make the persona a realistic character

Here is a short introduction to our 2 user personae, Hassan the tech-savvy activist, and Grace, the human rights defender.

Our user personae are also available for download. Hassan

Age 24

Education University student

Lives Khartoum, Sudan

Mobile use Galaxy Y Android (2.3) 3G. He uses it ‘every minute’ to go online and check email. He uses What’s App to exchange pics, videos and information of protests, sit-ins. He also uses Facebook and Twitter apps a lot.

Access He always carries a cable for charging his phone. In Khartoum, electricity is stable and internet is cheap, there is very good connectivity.

Threats and risks He is a member of a youth movement and regularly attends protests, where he also performs as a rapper. He has previously been arrested for performing at protests and is involved in acts to publicly discredit the government using video, parody and social media. For this reason he is targeted by the government and has been arrested multiple times. Grace

Age 29

Education University Degree in Law

Lives Kampala

Mobile use Basic smart phone. Uses What’s App, Facebook and email on phone for information sharing and communicating with colleagues and networks

Access Connectivity is a problem daily in the area she is based. Network can go down for up to 5 days on occasion. She uses internet daily from home and work to communicate, share info, social networking

Threats and risks She is a HRD advocating for LGBTI rights in a country where there is extreme homophobia. She sometimes has her name put in the paper or her image on TV which puts her and her family at risk. Her colleagues sometimes receive phone calls to try and trick them into a meeting and people turn up at the office asking for her by name. “You never know when people may decide to attack you. There is no adequate protection from the law and police officers who don’t support our work.”