Improved Cyton Auto-Connect button w/ Auto-Scan
Update Hardware Settings UI for ADS1299 boards
Highlight channels in Hardware Settings that are out of sync with board
Require users to send or revert Hardware Settings before closing UI
Add "Send" button to Hardware Settings
Update SessionData UI in Control Panel
Update ChannelSelect Feature in Widget Class to show what channels are on or off
Improve Time Series y-axis autoscale performance
Add channel select feature to FFT widget
Remove configurable gain behaviour and default to dynamic gain scaler
Bug Fixes
Exit session init when current board fails to initialize
Fix drawing error on lower resolution screens #900
Save BDF start time in 24hr format instead of 12hr #904
Fix TimeSeries Unfiltered Networking Output #891 #889
Fix TimeSeries Networking Output when using Playback Mode w/ GUI or SD file #906
Let users know when Cyton Auto-Scan is happening with an overlay
Refactor GUI Buttons and ButtonHelpText
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