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Optimum version of a UI for Stable Diffusion, running on ONNX models for faster inference, working on most common GPU vendors: NVIDIA,AMD long as they got support into onnxruntime

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This is a working ONNX version of a UI for Stable Diffusion using optimum pipelines. Leveraging ONNX runtime environment for faster inference, working on most common GPU vendors: NVIDIA,AMD long as they got support into onnxruntime. Works on low profile 4Gb GPU cards ( and also CPU only, but i did not tested its performance)

Now including TXT2IMG, IMG2IMG,ControlNet, Inpaint, HIRES approach of TXT2IMG and Latent Consistency

Updates: Jan 2024 Added Latent Consistency pipelines and support for Txt2Img and as Low-Res Model for Hi-Res approach (LCM Scheduler to be selected if using) Move some tasks to modules approach Minor Bugs Solving & Details added Small tool to check latents directory (

Dec 2023 Added modules support Added Model Conversion interface (independent file in Added two models approach for hi-res pipeline. Added facerestoration through faceswapping Added metadata strip and mask selection, independent file(root):

Nov 2023: Implemented ControlNet support Implemented img2img support Implemented inpaint support Implemented txt2img support Implemented hi-res txt2img support

In dev & Coming: Module: Library for models & saving favorite prompts (with seeds)

Already supported: wildcards,pre-defined styles, latent import for hires-txt2img and txt2img inferences, HiRes supports using same or different models for low and hires inferences... Adapted version of my approach for a working version of stabble diffusion for onnx, able to run on low profile GPUs (also in high-profile), dedicated GPU memory needed:4Gb.

HiRes approach: You might use one model to create the composition and a different model to refine the style and details: example

Install (20-30 min, difficulty low/medium):

At first, download or clone this repository: git clone Then, as usual, create a python virtual environment for the install ( recommended, if you want to do it over you base python install that's up to you) Python version: 3.10 ( tested, please feedback if you make it run in 3.11)

"cd ONNX-ModularUI-StableDiffusion"
"python -m venv venv"

#(or py -3.10 -m venv venv if running multiple python instances on the same machine)

Update pip:
pip install --upgrade pip

Install requirements file:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Optional, for face restoration/swapping verssion ( recommended to be done next to finalizing the installation of the other and you check everything else is already working) pip install -r additional_requirements.txt In some cases, you may need to install VS c++ 14.0 build tool for insightface:

When finished, I recommend to reinstall again the onnxruntime package, only one of the listed below, according to your GPU vendor, sometimes it did not recognize the adecuate ExecutionProviders (i.e.DMLExecutionProvider) until this package is reinstalled" (Select this last package install according to onnx documentation for NVIDIA, Intel Vino, Mac...more info about what package you need to install:

    #AMD (and other DirectMl supported cards):
    pip install onnxruntime-directml
    pip install onnxruntime
    pip install onnxruntime-gpu
    pip install onnxruntime-openvino
    pip install openvino
    pip install onnxruntime-azure

Optional: download the onnx model of your preference and include it into the models folder ( or configure the directory of your preference in the Configuration Tab). Sample Models

(You will need to download the main model, the vae decoder, vae encoder and text encoder and put each one in the adequate subdir)

Activate the environment activate.bat and the run the UI: py -O or run.bat

Point your browser to localhost:7860 to accessing the UI app and enjoy yourself...

Utility for Model Conversion:

(conversion code extracted from:

cd ConversionTool

And point your browser to localhost:7860

Point to old version ( works up to diffusers 14.0): (TXT2IMG, HIRES-TXT2IMG, IMG2IMG, ControlNet, InstructPix, 3 approaches for face/image restoration, danbooru tagging ...and more)


Optimum version of a UI for Stable Diffusion, running on ONNX models for faster inference, working on most common GPU vendors: NVIDIA,AMD long as they got support into onnxruntime






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