You need nix
Optionally you can install direnv
, it will simplify the setup.
Copy the .env.example
to a .env
file and fill it.
Create a .pgpass
file in your HOME
and fill it with the credentials
There are several commands available and documented:
> task -a
task: Available tasks for this project:
* queue: Run a queue of tasks from a file
* db:manage:materialize: Creates a DuckDB database file importing all the parquet files
* dump:restore:all-from-config: Restores tables from a config dump
* dump:restore:all-from-data: Restores the table weather, radar, observarion, classification, track according to the defined partition
* dump:restore:classification: Restores the table classification with a year partition
* dump:restore:location-partitioned: Restores a pg_dump table into a parquet file partitioned by location name
* dump:restore:month-partitioned: Restores a pg_dump table into a parquet file partitioned by month
* dump:restore:observation: Restores the table observation with a month partition
* dump:restore:radar: Restores the table radar with a location partition
* dump:restore:species: Restores the table species with a location partition
* dump:restore:track: Restores the table track with a month partition
* dump:restore:weather: Restores the table weather with a month partition
* dump:restore:year-partitioned: Restores a pg_dump table into a parquet file partitioned by year
* pg:export: Export a table to parquet
* pg:export:all-from-config: Export tables from the config schema
* pg:export:all-from-data: Exports the table weather, radar, observarion, classification, track according to the defined partition
* pg:export:classification: Exports the table classification with a year partition
* pg:export:location-partitioned: Exports a postgres table into a parquet file partitioned by location name
* pg:export:month-partitioned: Exports a postgres table into a parquet file partitioned by month
* pg:export:observation: Exports the table observation with a month partition
* pg:export:radar: Exports the table radar with a location partition
* pg:export:species: Exports the table species with a location partition
* pg:export:track: Exports the table track with a month partition
* pg:export:weather: Exports the table weather with a month partition
* pg:export:year-partitioned: Exports a postgres table into a parquet file partitioned by year
* track:generate:track-points: Extract track points from track linestrings
* track:generate:track-points-hogl: Compute height over ground level of a track point parquet and saves them into a new parquet
The queue
command allows to enqueue tasks in file, refer to tasks.example
for an usage example, all the tasks will be run using GNU parallel