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Pipeline to extract track points and compute the height over ground

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Radar data scripts


You need nix installed. Optionally you can install direnv, it will simplify the setup.

Copy the .env.example to a .env file and fill it. Create a .pgpass file in your HOME and fill it with the credentials


There are several commands available and documented:

> task -a
task: Available tasks for this project:
* queue:                                   Run a queue of tasks from a file
* db:manage:materialize:                   Creates a DuckDB database file importing all the parquet files
* dump:restore:all-from-config:            Restores tables from a config dump 
* dump:restore:all-from-data:              Restores the table weather, radar, observarion, classification, track according to the defined partition 
* dump:restore:classification:             Restores the table classification with a year partition 
* dump:restore:location-partitioned:       Restores a pg_dump table into a parquet file partitioned by location name
* dump:restore:month-partitioned:          Restores a pg_dump table into a parquet file partitioned by month
* dump:restore:observation:                Restores the table observation with a month partition 
* dump:restore:radar:                      Restores the table radar with a location partition 
* dump:restore:species:                    Restores the table species with a location partition 
* dump:restore:track:                      Restores the table track with a month partition 
* dump:restore:weather:                    Restores the table weather with a month partition 
* dump:restore:year-partitioned:           Restores a pg_dump table into a parquet file partitioned by year
* pg:export:                               Export a table to parquet 
* pg:export:all-from-config:               Export tables from the config schema 
* pg:export:all-from-data:                 Exports the table weather, radar, observarion, classification, track according to the defined partition 
* pg:export:classification:                Exports the table classification with a year partition 
* pg:export:location-partitioned:          Exports a postgres table into a parquet file partitioned by location name
* pg:export:month-partitioned:             Exports a postgres table into a parquet file partitioned by month
* pg:export:observation:                   Exports the table observation with a month partition 
* pg:export:radar:                         Exports the table radar with a location partition 
* pg:export:species:                       Exports the table species with a location partition 
* pg:export:track:                         Exports the table track with a month partition 
* pg:export:weather:                       Exports the table weather with a month partition 
* pg:export:year-partitioned:              Exports a postgres table into a parquet file partitioned by year
* track:generate:track-points:             Extract track points from track linestrings 
* track:generate:track-points-hogl:        Compute height over ground level of a track point parquet and saves them into a new parquet 


The queue command allows to enqueue tasks in file, refer to tasks.example for an usage example, all the tasks will be run using GNU parallel.


Pipeline to extract track points and compute the height over ground



