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The easiest way, how to support Logic Apps Polling Trigger in your .Net Core API.



  • Fluent API - easy to use functional API, just like others
  • State handling - first polling, previous polling, changes detected, no changes detected
  • Splitting - start new Logic App workflow for every polled item

How to start

  1. Initial state factory - How to create initial state when the Logic App start polling
  2. Initial state predicate - Recognize empty state - Logic App started polling (timestamp not specified, etc)
  3. Polling task - Task that can poll changes based on a current state
  4. State transfer - compute new polling state based on previous state and polled data

What is done automatically

  • State serialization and deserialization
  • Providing correct Status Code for Logic App
  • Providing correct location for next polling in response headers
  • Providing correct retry time for next polling in reponse headers


Basic usage - polling with timestamp

public class PollingDto
    public PollingDto()

    public PollingDto(DateTime? timeStamp) => TimeStamp = timeStamp;
    public DateTime? TimeStamp { get; set; }

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;

public Task<IActionResult> OnItemsUpdated([FromQuery] PollingDto pollingState)
    var now = DateTime.UtcNow; //record tiem before polling started
    return new FluentAsyncPollingTrigger<PollingDto, PollingOutput>()
        .SetStateFactory(() => new PollingDto(DateTime.UtcNow))
        .SetStateUpdate((oldState, polled) => new PollingDto(now))
        .SetPollingStateEmptyPredicate(state => !state.TimeStamp.HasValue) // timestamp empty, Logic App is polling for the first time
        .SetPollingTask(async state => await items.Where(x => x.UpdatedAt > state.TimeStamp).ToListAsync())
        .PollAsAction(pollingState, _contextAccessor);
  • FluentAsyncPollingTrigger is strongly typed
  • You don't have to create new instance every time
  • All you have to do is take infromation from the request, and poll data

Advanced usage - polling with filters

Sometime we only want to track specific data

public class PollingDto
    public PollingDto()

    public PollingDto(DateTime? timeStamp, string companyName)
        TimeStamp = timeStamp;
        CompanyName = companyName;
    public DateTime? TimeStamp { get; set; }
    public string CompanyName {get; set; }

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;

public Task<IActionResult> OnItemsUpdated([FromQuery] PollingDto pollingState)
    var now = DateTime.UtcNow; //record tiem before polling started
    return new FluentAsyncPollingTrigger<PollingDto, PollingOutput>()
    // first, Logic App sends empty state with specified filter (e.g. CompanyName)
    // we create initial polling state, with current timestamp and we keep, filter (CompanyName) unchanged
        .SetStateFactory(() => new PollingDto(DateTime.UtcNow, pollingState.CompanyName))
        .SetStateUpdate((oldState, polled) => {oldState.Timestamp = now; return oldState;})
        .SetPollingStateEmptyPredicate(state => !state.TimeStamp.HasValue) // timestamp empty, Logic App is polling for the first time
        .SetPollingTask(async state => await items.Where(x => x.UpdatedAt > state.TimeStamp && x.Company.Name == state.CompanyName).ToListAsync())
        .PollAsAction(pollingState, _contextAccessor);


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