This is a C++ program designed to manage a hospital system, including functionalities for patients, doctors, and management staff. The system allows different user types to log in and perform various actions based on their roles.
- Check Doctor Availability: Patients can check the availability of doctors.
- View Medical Records: Patients can view their own medical records.
- Patient Details: Doctors can view and update patient details and observations.
- Set Availability: Doctors can set their availability for the week.
- Add Doctor: Management can add new doctors to the system.
- Add Patient: Management can add new patients to the system.
- Add Management Staff: Management can add new management staff to the system.
- credentials.txt: Stores the credentials of all users (patients, doctors, and management).
- ActivePatients.txt: Keeps track of active patients.
- Patients/: Directory where patient files are stored.
- Doctors/: Directory where doctor files are stored.
Compile the program:
g++ -o hms hms.cpp
Run the program:
- Enter your username and password to log in. (You could M.test as username and test as a password to make your first login as it is stored in the credentials.txt)
Check Doctor Availability:
- Confirm your full name.
- View the availability of doctors.
View Medical Records:
- Confirm your full name.
- View your medical records.
Patient Details:
- Enter your full name and the patient's name.
- View and update the patient's details and observations.
Set Availability:
- Confirm your full name.
- Set your availability for the week.
Add Doctor:
- Enter the doctor's details.
- Create a username and password for the doctor.
Add Patient:
- Enter the patient's details.
- Create a username and password for the patient.
- Add the patient's profile.
Add Management Staff:
- Enter the management staff's details.
- Create a username and password for the staff.
- Log in as a management user.
- Choose the option to add a new patient.
- Enter the patient's first name, last name, age, phone number, weight, pulse rate, and blood group.
- A username and password will be generated for the patient.
- The patient's profile will be created and saved.
- Log in as a doctor.
- Choose the option to set availability.
- Confirm your full name.
- Enter your availability for each day of the week.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit pull requests.
Thank you for using the Hospital Management System!