How to monitor a Veeam Environment using Veeam Enterprise Manager, Powershell, Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana
This project consists in a Powershell script to retrieve the Veeam Backup & Replication information, directly from the Veeam Enterprise Manager RESTfulAPI, about last jobs, etc, and save it into JSON which we send to InfluxDB using Telegraf, then in Grafana: a Dashboard is created to present all the information.
We use Veeam Enterprise Manager and the RESTfulAPI to reduce the workload and increase the speed of script execution, here is a comparison between same Script using VeeamPSSnapIn vs. RESTfulAPI:
You can follow the steps on the next Blog Post -
Or try with this simple steps:
- Download the veeam-stats_EM.ps1 file and change the BRHost, username and password with your real data
- Run the veeam-stats_EM.ps1 to check that you can retrieve the information properly
- Add the next content to your telegraf.conf and restart the telegraf service. Please be aware of path of the Script.
commands = ["powershell C:/veeam-stats_EM.ps1"]
name_override = "veeamstats_EM"
interval = "60s"
timeout = "60s"
data_format = "json"
- Download the grafana-enterprise_manager-dashboard JSON file and import it into your Grafana
- Change your data inside the Grafana and enjoy :)
- You can find the original code for PRTG here, thank you so much Markus Kraus:
I hope it helps you