A simple lib to augment the DateTime with useful functions
Add usefull functions to DateTime:
return a new DateTime with new valuesfromInternet
fetch a DateTime from internetisAtSame[second,minute,hour,day,month,year]
return true when compare datetime to otherisAtToday
return true if DateTime is todaynextDayOfTheWeek
return a new DateTime to a next weekdaypreviousDayOfTheWeek
return a new DateTime to a previous day of the weekday
Just import lib and use extensions, call the functions to starts work:
import 'package:ms_datetime_extensions/ms_datetime_extensions.dart';
var xmas = DateTime(2020, 12, 25, 15, 00); // Friday 25 december of 2020
var nextFriday =
xmas.nextWeekday(DateTime.friday); // Friday 01 january of 2021
var mDateTimeFromInternet = await dateTimeFromInternet();
var endYear = xmas.copyWith(day: 0); // Thursday 31 dezember of 2020
This lib use thirtpart API visite worldtimeapi to know more