This example is purely to demo multi-level routing of the Ionic Framework and Angular Router with Lazy Loading components/pages. In a real application guards would be used to load, activate & deactivate certain routes accordingly.
The about page Ionic Conference, alas...
This example is just to show off Ionic components and Angular's routing capabilities. The simple login page is just that, a mock up. It's purpose is to show off the multi-level routing.
Download the installer for Node.js 6 or greater.
Install the ionic CLI globally:
npm install -g ionic
Clone this repository:
git clone
. -
npm install
from the project root. -
ionic serve
in a terminal from the project root. -
There you have it!
Tip: See How to Prevent Permissions Errors if you are running into issues when trying to install packages globally._
All app preview screenshots were taken by running ionic serve
then using developer design mode on a retina display.
NB. It has not been tested on a simulator.
Note, the use of global background image and how it is applied in the local scss file...
I strongly encourage the use of typescrypt paths in your projects, it will makes it easier to work out paths and minimise breaking changes when refeactoring